Dark Frontiers Tablets' Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Dark Frontiers Tablets' InsaneJournal:

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    Monday, March 11th, 2019
    8:32 pm
    Once we get this place properly settled, what sorts of buildings do you all reckon we'll be needing? I have my own thoughts on the matter, but I'm looking for input from the people.
    Saturday, March 2nd, 2019
    9:36 pm
    Private: B Dawg
    So what is your professional opinion on Dungeons and Dragons?

    Asking for a friend.
    9:31 pm
    Private: Victorie
    I've been working on some pieces. Are you available to try a few things on? Maybe have a glass of wine or something? Basically I'm bored, my brother isn't much company and I need some girl time.

    9:28 pm
    Private: Phoenix
    Dude...going on a camping trip. Please don't let Bleddyn stay inside alone in the dark like some sort of damn bat the entire time I'm gone.

    Maybe try to get him laid. Or at least drunk.

    9:23 pm
    Private to Piers
    Hallo. Wie geht es dir? Ihr Termin ist heute.
    Tuesday, February 26th, 2019
    4:15 pm
    [Private: Gideon]
    Rohypnol is what I think it is, yes?

    [Private: Blaine]
    I will be needing the hard copy of your last inventory list as well as all requests submitted to you by others.

    [Private: Lauren]
    I'm going to be later than usual tonight.

    [Private: Roman]
    Are you settling in all right?

    [Private: Alice]
    Wednesday, September 12th, 2018
    9:08 pm
    Have those who have been out to venture in the wilderness found a lake that we could swim in?

    Juan, Juana, Selena, Ryleigh, Sydney, Eloise, Delaney and Mohammed )
    9:03 pm
    Sunday, September 9th, 2018
    8:13 pm
    Hello everyone,

    The Clinical Site is now open and completed. Physicals are mandatory for all residents every two weeks, the first of which need to begin today. You need to come by within the next two hours and sign up for time slots between this late afternoon and tomorrow evening. This will become your set appointment for every two weeks unless you choose to change it! I look forward to visiting with everyone.
    8:06 pm
    To Daisy
    Driving Miss Daisy? )
    Thursday, August 9th, 2018
    1:00 am



    12:07 am
    One thing that is really three things:

    The important one for safety:
    As anyone who bothered to wake up before the second sun rose would have noticed, we've been working on a bit of a protective canopy over the tents. Our goal is to eventually build a compound with proper quarters like we had on the ships. Unfortunately, we don't quite have enough materials for this plan just yet, so we are focussing on creating a roof with what we have an we'll add to it when we can.

    Why the roof first, you might ask? Look west and you'll see why. I don't know about you, but I've enough experience with rainy days to spot a storm cloud when I see one. We're not entirely positive on what will be coming down on us, so having extra protection above us is our primary focus.

    And yes, just as on the ship, the plan is to have the compound programmed for convenience. I've got most of it plotted out now, just need the materials and to go over a few other things with Erik our architectural engineer.
    The important one for society:
    There is an update pending on your tablets that will not only allow me to automatically update them in future, but puts those obnoxious little questionnaire things they put us through to good use. Profiles have been made and will be linked with each entry and comment to help put tone to name to face as well as give a few details for conversation starters. It's not perfect, but as there are only 50 of us down here, it's not impossible.
    The important one for sanity:
    What if I'm not socially awkward like you Brent, or just don't give a rats arse? Well, this update is also going to give you a number of media files. I "stumbled" upon some while we were back on the ship, and figured everyone may as well get to enjoy it. If some looks familiar, that's probably because it is. It could have even been yours. Are you not glad that you left your devices so vulnerable?


    Thank your neighbours for thinking their devices were among the most important things for survival when tossing together belongings for the apocalypse.

    And yes, a shipment of headphones should be on their way.

    Saturday, July 21st, 2018
    10:51 pm
    I have a few questions, if anyone has a moment. I don't want to bother our fearless leaders with stupid questions if they've been answered while I wasn't paying attention.

    We don't need an official reason to go exploring, do we? We can go for fun?
    Do we need to be escorted by big burly men or can the women go off on their own for a few hours?

    I'm sorry if that sounds pointed or rude. I don't know how else to ask and I need to get away from the camp for a bit. As nice as a party would be, and as much air as we're getting compared to the people up there, I'm feeling stifled? Is that the word? Trapped.
    Thursday, July 19th, 2018
    10:23 pm
    I think a proper party is in order. Planning commences tonight after the suns go down.

    That's still weird to type by the way. Suns.
    10:18 pm
    10:11 pm
    Monday, July 2nd, 2018
    10:35 pm
    Now O'Brien's got into the spirit of the place, anyone up for a game of poker?

    I reckon I ought to give the lad and his lady a bit a privacy for a few, ay?
    Monday, June 25th, 2018
    9:19 pm
    Good evening everyone!

    This is a communal reminder that health checks will be performed every two weeks to ensure the continued viability of our settlement. This will require a urine sample and a blood sample. These tests will help us monitor the effects of the environment on our bodies as well as maintaining the health of our community members.

    Once a month a reproductive health check will be done as well. Please remember that all results are available to you as soon as they have been tracked. Everyone is welcome to monitor their health and our adjustments to our new environment. If you want a copy of your chart all you need to do is ask!

    I look forward to working with you all please don't hesitate to visit me if you have any questions!
    9:18 pm
    Sunday, June 10th, 2018
    1:37 am
    Questionnaires From Above
    The Boring Things:

    The Less Boring Things:
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