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[17 Feb 2018|05:13am]
[Secured filter between Err8279 and Sebastian]

Update 003

More guards have been observed what can only be classified as staking out the support group at the cafe. After a meeting guards have been witnessed tailing people home. Some conversation has been overheard about them looking for a reason to interfere and put a stop to the gathering. At least one guard has hinted at possibly fabricating a reason.


Prior to the 15th guards were observed overly harassing residents who had not picked up IDs, some residents were even detained for questioning. However, it is clear this was not authorized detainment as they were detained and questioned on the street, not brought to the detention center.

It was also witnessed that some guards found this a perfect time to harass government agents who happened to be mutants. As they are not required to carry the same ID as the residents, some guards 'weren't aware' that these were employed by the government and not residents.


The current owner of the coffee shop was witnessed being brought in officially for questioning. I was unable to ascertain the reason for the questioning but a good guess would be for hosting the support meetings.


[Additional reporting of guards sleeping on the job, public urination, two having 'personal time' when on patrol, mild cases of aggressive force]

[17 Feb 2018|04:41pm]

“The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” - Mark 12:31

[[handwritten on posters popping up every morning all over the island]]

[17 Feb 2018|06:29pm]
Characters: Daryn and NPC guards
Setting: Friday, February 16, 2018, beginning mid-morning, Daryn’s home then detention in the Facility
Summary: Day One - Identification
Rating: Low

Deja vu )

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