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the only safehaven for us
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[13 Apr 2014|10:21am]


[02 Apr 2014|07:29pm]

I'm alive. It feels strange maybe because I thought I would be saying good-bye to this identity.

I would say no hard feelings but it's not fair that I ask for that. So I will just continue to fight for what my mother stands for.

Camp has changed for the better in many ways. I like the new cabins a lot. A welcome to the Roman demigods? My name is Ethan Nakamura. Nemesis Cabin.

Now, I should spar to see if I still got it.

[29 Mar 2014|12:07am]

Filtered: The Seven
After nearly 8 months of toil, the Argo II is finally back in action! Festus and I are away from the tablet right now, but if you would like to leave a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible. See you in however long it takes to get to Ogygia and back!

[28 Mar 2014|01:46pm]

I have a really important announcement that I think everyone should see:

The Haiku of Boredom & Nico Threats

Nothing to do now
Someone entertain me now
Or I'll pester Nico

This is releavent to everyone because if I pester Nico he might get grouchy. I have that affect on him. Heeeeeelp!

Filtered Against the Gods [26 Mar 2014|02:46pm]

Okay, poll time:

Which claiming that we've seen so far is the most embarrassing?

My vote is for the Aphrodite cabin, but maybe I'm a bit biased having gone through it. Iris cabin doesn't seem all that fun either - suddenly standing in a shower of rainbow-colored light like your standing under a disco ball seems pretty bad. Nemesis cabin - I don't think I've ever actually seen that one. What happens? Do you get punched in the face?

And come to think of it, I've never seen or heard about how Zeus or Hades claim their kids either. I'm guessing struck by lightning for the first. That seems plenty dramatic, right up Zeus's alley. For the second... Please tell me that a dead guy crawls out of the ground, points to you, and says, "That's my kid!" before sinking back into the earth again. That would be totally awesome.

[24 Mar 2014|03:20pm]

[ mood | nostalgic ]

No judgement but I have an urge to make cookies. I really should have designed the cabin to have a kitchenette or something but I just have a cooler for snacks and the Pavilion for bigger meals besides, I'm not a big eater. I didn't think I would stick around for this long.

So I walked around to see if someone would let me and approached Cabin 4 and they told me I had to turn around and go the other way because I would kill their fledgling plants. I have that under control, I promise! Although they may have made me mad enough- It was ONE strawberry plant.

I was thinking, if I planned a zombie apocalypse survival scenario as a training exercise, would anyone join in? It is good practice for fighting in swarms. Also, if one of the "zombies" tag you, you have a certain period of time before you now oppose your allies.

If it is stupid, I understand.

Man, this feels awkward

[23 Mar 2014|02:48pm]

This tablet is great, but I miss my laptop

Have any of you tried the other features on the tablet yet? Like calls or anything? I called home to talk to my dad everyone back there. It's kind of fun to try each new feature.


You owe me a date. A full-fledged one and not a mini stop along the way back home while you're injured.


Has it gotten any easier settling back in? I know this isn't where you want to be but I thought I'd ask and see.

And I figured I'd ask if there's anything that I can do to help?

[22 Mar 2014|01:21pm]

I think this is the longest I've ever been at camp without being sent on a quest. Or, you know, choosing to go on one myself. Or being forced on one in the middle of the night.

I think I'm getting paranoid.


So... Luke.

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