Tue, Jun. 4th, 2013, 11:26 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: There Endeth the Sloppy Seconds

Sloppy Seconds Fest
Banner by [info]featherxquill, based on art by [info]akatnamedeaster

Huge, huge thanks to all of our participants - you pulled together a whole slew of amazing entries in less than a month. And what an incredibly fun mini-fest it was. Thrills! Romance! Chills! Never before has the love life of Mr. Severus Snape been described in such full dysfunctional glory in all manner of story, poetry, and art. I cannot begin to tell you what a delight it was to see each new entry come in. Huge thanks, too, to [info]dysfuncentine and [info]featherxquill for their generosity and help in putting this fest together - we could not have done it without your soiled, well-used prompts. I'm afraid we've left the garlands of dead Cupids up long enough that they've turned into Cupid skeletons, rather than tidying them up in a timely fashion, but... well, it's an object lesson, I suspect Snape would say. (I, for one, will be deeply sad to retire this banner and miss out on seeing his cranky mug pop up on my flist every so often.)

Let's stick a little masterlist in here:

So that's it! Not much last-minute business, I think. Leave comments for all the wonderful writers and artists - they deserve it. If you've recced things on your journals, let me know (here is fine), and I'll see if we've got enough to pop on over to Daily Snitch with some hot recs. Any feedback, drop us a line. Just want a little Deeply Horrible chat? Leave a comment below, and we can probably have a little wrap-up cocktail party or something.

Mon, May. 6th, 2013, 03:58 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Posting Begins!

Sloppy Seconds Fest
Banner by [info]featherxquill, based on art by [info]akatnamedeaster

God, I never get tired of that banner. Even if it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize how appropriately seminal the "Sloppy Seconds" font was. Well, wank harder, banner!Snape, your dysfunctional attempts at a love life have arrived.

And, hey, it's still May 5 in some time zones, so we're totally on schedule. Fashionably late to our own party. Somebody get a round of drinks for [info]dysfuncentine and [info]featherxquill, and see if you can find a suitably embarrassing party hat for [info]caecelia_, our guest of honor.

Posting, as mentioned, isn't anonymous, so feel free to promote your work publicly, etc. We would appreciate it if you'd hold off on reposting it to your own journals till the fest is over.

Also, drop us a line here on this post if you rec something from the fest - just the URL is fine.

So without further ado, onto the first story of the fest.

Mon, Apr. 29th, 2013, 03:24 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Check-In

Sloppy Seconds Fest
Banner by [info]featherxquill, based on art by [info]akatnamedeaster

Hi there! We just wanted to call and say hello, maybe chat a bit... see how you were doing on your Sloppy Seconds masterpieces. Cuz, you know, May 2 is this week. We've heard from a few of you already, but if you haven't been in touch, drop us a line here and let us know how it's going. We might even be able to handle a couple of extensions, you never know.

Sun, Apr. 7th, 2013, 10:15 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Prompt Claiming Now Closed!

Prompting for the Sloppy Seconds fest is closed. But please remember, oh lovely, Snape-obsessed participants, that you can always go back and claim a second prompt once you've finished and submitted your first entry. In fact, we encourage you to do so! As far as we're concerned, the more descriptions of disgruntled and romantically challenged Snape, the better.

Here follow the names of our Sloppy Seconders:

List of Participants )

All participants should have received a confirmation e-mail by now. If you haven't, or you think the email has gone astray, PM us or write to deeplyhorrible [at] gmail [dot] com and we'll resend the e-mail to the address you provide. Once received, please confirm receipt of your prompt ASAP.

The deadline for your entries is 11:59 pm (US Eastern Time) on May 2, 2013. Please add warnings for the following: graphic depictions of violence, major character death, and rape/non-con. Underage sex (defined for our purposes as anything under 18) will not be included in this fest.

Now go forth and show us how Snape behaves when his heart is captured. Or broken. Or deceived. When he's taking revenge or leading his partner - victim? - down the primrose path. Let your inner bastard be your guide.

Above all, have fun! (Even if Snape doesn't.) And remember, if you have any questions, always feel free to contact us.

Tue, Apr. 2nd, 2013, 03:53 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Fest Claims Post

Sloppy Seconds Fest
Banner by [info]featherxquill, based on art by [info]akatnamedeaster
If you’d like to promote the fest, copy and paste this into your journal:

This is it! The claiming period of the Sloppy Seconds Fest is open!

Here's what you do: Comment with up to three three prompts you'd like to write. If selecting a Snape/any prompt, include the pairing you want to claim it for. We'll give out prompts (first come, first served), and send you an email with your assigned prompt to confirm your claim, and you can go start writing.

Prompts with specified couples will be given out twice. Open prompts (Snape/any) will be given out once per unique pairing, to as many people as want to write them. Once your first claimed prompt is written/drawn/vidded/carved out of granite and submitted, you may claim more.

Here's the prompts post.

Here's the claiming form:

Prompt claims will be open from April 2 through April 5. Go on, let the games commence!

Mon, Apr. 1st, 2013, 03:15 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Fest Prompts

Sloppy Seconds Fest
Banner by [info]featherxquill, based on art by [info]akatnamedeaster
If you’d like to promote the fest, copy and paste this into your journal:

Okay, step one: post all the Snapey prompts.

Here they are, Dysfuncentine’s sloppy seconds. We have five het prompts, five slash prompts, and a handful of open-ended prompts, so there should be a little something for everyone.

Don't see the pairing you want? Remember that we'll give out the open prompts as many times as people request them for a new pairing, so don't feel left out because you don't see your favorite Snape/Aunt Muriel, Snape/Mundungus, Snape/Dobby, or Snape/Voldemort/Alecto/Nagini - you can play, too. (In fact, please do.)

Het and slash prompts will each be given out twice, and, if by some miracle all the slots on those are taken, we'll open up another slot so a third round of people can play. (Note to self: Next time we run this fest, come up with a less suggestive wording.)

So read through these and get inspired, because prompt claiming starts (very late at night) on April 2!

These are available for claiming an infinite number of times, so long as the pairing you claim it for has not been claimed before.
Read more... )

These are each available for claiming twice, and will be crossed off when claimed.
Read more... )

These are each available for claiming twice, and will be crossed off when claimed.
Read more... )

Mon, Mar. 25th, 2013, 03:11 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Deeply Horrible Does Dysfuncentine's Sloppy Seconds!

Hi, everyone, new mods here. We wanted to give [info]caecelia_ a really amazing sendoff, and kick off our new reign of terror with a great party, so we decided to hold a celebratory fest.

Sloppy Seconds Fest
Banner by [info]featherxquill, based on art by [info]akatnamedeaster
If you’d like to promote the fest, copy and paste this into your journal:

And not just any fest. Our deeply horrible friends over at Dysfuncentine recently wrapped up their wonderful anti-Valentine's celebration of dysfunctional relationships, replete with dissatisfaction, hatesex, screaming, disappointment, cynicism, resentment, jealously, infidelity, boredom, and all sorts of dysfunction. So we invited them to join us over here to celebrate their community, our community, and our common love of all things dysfunctional, and they gave their blessing. Also, they’re letting us have all their spare dead Cupids for decorations. Instant party!

It's time for the Sloppy Seconds Fest! This is where all the unclaimed Snape-related Dysfuncentine prompts get their chance, despite being unloved and already-used (and frankly a little sticky), to find a partner among our writers for one last messy, dysfunctional encounter.

Many thanks to [info]caecelia_ for all her hard work on Deeply Horrible and the Bring Back the Bastard Fest, and all our best wishes. Many thanks also to [info]featherxquill for all her enthusiasm and help on this fest, and to Dysfuncentine, without whom we would have no sloppy seconds at all.

Fest Description, Rules, Timeline, and FAQ )

Sun, Mar. 24th, 2013, 02:55 pm
[info]caecelia_: Modly Note

Many of you are no doubt aware that I've not been around much of late. RL has been -- demanding, to say the least.

Rather than shut down the comm entirely, I recently sent out a request for new mods. To my great joy, three lovely people -- all of whom know [info]deeply_horrible well -- responded. My dears, please welcome [info]akatnamedeaster, [personal profile] dueltastic and [info]perverse_idyll as your new mods. They will be over soon to say hello and present you with some exciting plans for the upcoming season!

Sun, Jan. 13th, 2013, 11:40 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: The Masterlist

Congratulations to the winners of our guessing game! The GOLD MEDAL goes to [info]cabepfir (with twelve correct guesses); SILVER is a tie between [info]bvizen and [info]enname (both with ten correct guesses); and the BRONZE MEDAL goes to [info]kellychambliss (with eight correct guesses). Hooray!

Since our top three winners did, ahem, cheat a little capitalise most admirably on previous knowledge, loads of points have been awarded to Slytherin House in recognition of their skill. Professor Snape is rather proud of you lot.

In fact, let's just write this whole fest down as a big WIN for Slytherin House and Professor Snape, shall we not? You, dear friends, took up a challenge and made something fierce and surprising and insightful of it. Your forty-three entries remembered a side of Professor Snape that often, in these post-war halcyon days, is more easily left forgotten: that he was not always a hero, and not at all a pleasant sort of person. Instead of decrying this side of Professor Snape, you analysed it, aimed it a level gaze, proved it need not be unenjoyable or unworthy of interest. You proved there were still lessons here to be learned, that goodness and nastiness can coexist, that ambiguity and paradoxes and yes, even horrible acts still have much to teach us. This is tremendous, simply tremendous, and you should all treat yourselves to an enormous round of applause. That includes you, dear readers and reccers and commenters: you made this fest come alive.

Speaking of which, a special award goes to [info]cabepfir for commenting on every single entry!

Heartfelt thanks are also due to the many, many patient souls who helped me behind the scenes and without whom this fest would not exist: [info]bvizen, [info]cabepfir, [personal profile] dueltastic, [info]enname, [info]iulia_linnea, [info]kellychambliss, [info]o_mayari, [info]pale_moonlite, [info]perverse_idyll, [info]shyfoxling, and [info]wandlorean, amongst many others.

You're absolute gems.

But now, onto the Reveal (this means you may now post your entries under your name and wherever you like, dear creators):

Reveal beneath the cut )

Sun, Jan. 6th, 2013, 06:02 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Anonymous Masterlist

Et voilà, my dears: the complete, if still anonymous list of our forty-three most excellent entries, sorted by genre (art; art + fic; fic; poetry).

Now you can demonstrate your Slytherin side skills at recognition by playing our Guessing Game! Leave a comment here with your guesses, as many or as few and as often as you wish to make. All comments will be screened -- so no cheating, darlings!

The Grand Reveal will go up around noon EST on Sunday, January 13th, so you have until then to make your guesses, and of course to catch up on any entries you've missed. If you haven't already, do consider leaving some feedback for our hard-working artists and authors. It is much appreciated.

Thank you for your interest, your enthusiasm and dedication and for making this first run of Bring Back the Bastard! possible. We hope you've enjoyed the fest as much as we have!

BBtB Pre-Reveals Masterlist )

Sun, Jan. 6th, 2013, 05:39 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Final Weekly Round-Up (#7)

The final week of [info]deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard! has come to a close. Here is a round-up of this week's entries:

He Dogs Me Still (Art; Severus Snape) -- on DW
Even during an act of valor he can appear.

Hoist By His Own Petard (Fic; Severus Snape/Hermione Granger) -- on DW
She's always trying to save lost causes.

A Tangled Web (Fic; Severus/Harry, Harry/Draco, unrequited Severus/James Potter) -- on DW
‘Infatuation turns to obsession; he knows it’s unhealthy, but he can’t stop.’

Prior Incantato (Art; Severus Snape) -- on DW
Within these walls, a wizard came of age. Three glimpses of Severus Snape's childhood home with key spells recalled.

The Demons (Fic; Harry/Ginny, Harry/Snape, Voldemort/Ginny, Voldemort/Snape) -- on DW
He could not help it. His own inability to ease its pain, to comfort this creature frightened him. Clearly it was suffering, and needed help. If love was his greatest strength, should he not be able to extend his love to this thing, regardless of how repulsed he was?

A Virtuous Man (Fic; Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall) -- on DW
Severus manipulates his lover in subtle ways in order to keep her attention.

The Deeply Horrible One(s) (Fic/Art; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin) -- on DW
What happens when a man drinks wine or chocolate in a random bar, and thinks of women.

An anonymous masterlist shall be posted shortly, together with a Guessing Game in which you can guess who wrote/drew our forty-three entries. The Grand Reveal shall take place on January 13th, so you have a week to catch up on any entries you've missed and, we hope, to leave the creators welcome feedback.

If you have recced any fest entries in your own journal, comment here or send us a note at deeplyhorrible [at] gmail [dot] com with the link. We will send entries with at least three recs to the [info]daily_snitch's "hot recs" column. (Please note that the Snitch does not count recs that appear in flocked journals or without commentary.)

Thank you for your interest!

Sat, Jan. 5th, 2013, 04:40 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Mark your calendars ...

Contrary to our usual practice, we will be posting an entry on Sunday, that is tomorrow. With this final entry, [info]deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard will complete posting. A final weekly-round up as well as an anonymous masterlist shall be posted soon afterward.

The Grand Reveal will take place a week from Sunday, on January 13th. During that week, we will be hosting a Guessing Game in which you can guess who wrote/drew our forty-three entries.

A huge thank you to all of you who wrote and drew and have been reading and commenting and reccing. We hope that you've enjoyed the fest!

Sun, Dec. 30th, 2012, 07:48 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Weekly Round-Up #6

The sixth week of [info]deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard! has come to a close. Here is a round-up of this week's entries:

Look at me (Art; Severus Snape/Lily Evans) -- on DW
Snape has created a Lily automaton. To animate it, he has to sacrifice a part of his soul.

The Headmaster (Fic; Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey, portrait!Albus) -- on DW
Decent human beings couldn't or wouldn't do the things the Headmaster was required to do -- ergo, he couldn't be decent.

Necessary Destruction (Fic; Severus Snape/Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger) -- on DW
Manipulation is Severus Snape's middle name. Today, it’s Ron Weasley’s turn to suffer.

St. Mungo’s Grim Reaper (Fic; Severus Snape, assorted cast) -- on DW
During the first war, Snape pulled shifts at St. Mungo's to make up for their overwork. Most of the time he does help the healers. But what about the times he doesn't? Why those people?

The Girl (Poem; Severus Snape/Hermione Granger) -- on DW
Snape sees Hermione as his property since he saved her life in the third year. He has been waiting patiently for Hermione to grow up so he can claim her, but of course she is completely unaware. Snape goes to great lengths to keep all of his possessions.

The Most Effective Means of Persuasion (Fic; Severus Snape/Lily Evans, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt/Alastor Moody) -- on DW
Dumbledore always said he was certain of Snape's loyalty. And he was. After all he paid a high price for it. What was it? What did Dumbledore do to ensure Snape's fealty?

No entry will be posted today, so we hope you'll take advantage of the day off to catch up on your reading and viewing and leave the creators welcome feedback.

Also, please do send us your recs! If you have recced any fest entries in your own journal, comment here or send us a note at deeplyhorrible [at] gmail [dot] com with the link. We will send entries with at least three recs to the [info]daily_snitch's "hot recs" column. (Please note that the Snitch does not count recs that appear in flocked journals or without commentary.)

Thank you for your interest!

Sun, Dec. 23rd, 2012, 09:31 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Weekly Round-Up #5

The fifth week of [info]deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard! has come to a close. Here is a round-up of this week's entries:

Intention of the Spell (Art; Snape, Sirius, James, Lily) -- on DW
We don't know if Snape did test on anything while created Sectumsempra, but one thing for sure that he is created it with the intention for use on his enemies.

Windward (Fic; Snape, Lucius/Narcissa) -- on DW
People always said Lucius Malfoy was a fair-weather friend. Even after a lifetime, Severus was never sure if he agreed or not.

The Gentleman Bettor (Fic; Snape/Hermione, Lucius/Narcissa) -- on DW
Bound by the rules of magical society into performing a forfeit, despite the fact the Lucius clearly cheated in order to win the bet, Severus learns that sometimes it can pay to lose. However, that doesn't mean that revenge is off the table.

From the Beehive (Poem; Snape, Dumbledore, Harry) -- on DW
Write a Shakespearean sonnet -- 14 lines of iambic pentameter rhymed ABABCDCDEFEFGG -- employing the themes/metaphors of time and waste (and/or spending or murder or shame).

Not if you don't get caught (Art; Harry Potter(+Severus Snape)/Ginny Weasley) -- on DW
"PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard."

Bitter Going Down (Fic; Aberforth Dumbledore/Severus Snape) -- on DW
Severus and a prospective friend or lover bond over shared misanthropy.

No entry will be posted today, so we hope you'll take advantage of the day off to catch up on your reading and viewing and leave the creators welcome feedback.

Also, please do send us your recs! If you have recced any fest entries in your own journal, comment here or send us a note at deeplyhorrible [at] gmail [dot] com with the link. We will send entries with at least three recs to the [info]daily_snitch's "hot recs" column. (Please note that the Snitch does not count recs that appear in flocked journals or without commentary.)

Thank you for your interest!

Sun, Dec. 16th, 2012, 12:19 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Weekly Round-Up #4

The fourth week of [info]deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard! has come to a close. Here is a round-up of this week's entries:

A Terrible Mistake (Art; Snape, Voldemort, others) -- On DW
Young Severus Snape reports the Prophecy to his master.

The Toil of the Just (Fic; Snape/Hermione, others) -- On DW
Hidden in a cave, the remnants of Dumbledore's Army are fighting Voldemort and themselves, and losing on both fronts. Hermione's lost the key to her parents' memories to Bellatrix.

Breaking Strings (Fic; Snape, Lucius Malfoy, others) -- On DW
Severus still feels like a puppet, it just happens that Albus is pulling a different set of strings. When he is given the chance to re-unite with the Death Eaters at the world cup and make his own decision he takes it without really thinking about it.

Like a man starved (Fic; Snape/Hermione) -- On DW
He watched her beauty like a man starved, even though her eyes were cold steel as she unblinkingly stared at him.

Almost like my Lily (Art; Snape/~Lily; NWS) -- On DW
Lily dies, and that last shred of humanity in him dies with her.

Love's Disease (Fic; Snape/Lily, others) -- On DW
Lily's lost her son and her husband. Trapped with Severus, she falls into a deep depression and wonders if she'll ever get out.

No entry will be posted today, so we hope you'll take advantage of the day off to catch up on your reading and viewing and leave the creators welcome feedback.

Also, please do send us your recs! If you have recced any fest entries in your own journal, comment here or send us a note at deeplyhorrible [at] gmail [dot] com with the link. We will send entries with at least three recs to the [info]daily_snitch's "hot recs" column. (Please note that the Snitch does not count recs that appear in flocked journals or without commentary.)

Thank you for your interest!

Sun, Dec. 9th, 2012, 12:18 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Weekly Round-Up #3

The third week of [info]deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard! has come to a close. Here is a round-up of this week's entries:

And You Will Eat Your Sprouts! (Art; Snape, OC) -- on DW
Having a (severe!) teacher for a parent is not always fun...

Defensive Measures (Fic; Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, others) -- on DW
Ever wondered about Snape's contribution to the Philosopher's Stone protection? Wonder no more...

A Difficult Man (Fic/Art; Snape/Hermione, Ron, others) -- on DW
Severus faces the most surprising turn of events at a Midwinter Ball.

Hrth’a’tet (Fic; Snape, Bloody Baron, others) -- on DW
Everyone had a story. Most people couldn’t wait to tell you theirs. You just had to act as if you weren't really listening.

Deep is the lore... (Fic/Art; Snape) -- on DW
"White is the dust of the state of dreaming, Light is the mixture to make one still, Dark is the powder of Death's redeeming, Mark but that one pinch can kill" -- Sooj Tucker, 'Mushroom Song'

Reflections from the Mirror (Fic; Severus/Albus, Severus/Aberforth, Shacklebolt/Moody) -- on DW
After the war, old animosities still remain, and even in death, Albus seems to still be in charge.

No entry will be posted today, so we hope you'll take advantage of the day off to catch up on your reading and viewing and leave the creators welcome feedback.

Also, please do send us your recs! If you have recced any fest entries in your own journal, comment here or send us a note at deeplyhorrible [at] gmail [dot] com with the link. We will send entries with at least three recs to the [info]daily_snitch's "hot recs" column. (Please note that the Snitch does not count recs that appear in flocked journals or without commentary.)

Thank you for your interest!

Sun, Dec. 2nd, 2012, 12:25 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Weekly Round Up #2

The second week of [info]deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard! has come to a close. Here is a round-up of this week's entries:

He Named Him Albus Severus? (Art; Snape) -- on DW
Snape's opinion on this is succinct.

Absolutely Meaningless (Fic; Snape, others) -- on DW
That Sunday afternoon, he just had nothing to do.

The Tie That Binds (Fic; Snape/Hermione, McGonagall, others) -- on DW
In the end, it is up to you to decide who is worth the suffering.

The Ambiguity of Aggression (Fic; Harry, Hermione, McGonagall, others) -- on DW
The truth is always ambiguous, and Snape was nothing if not that. Hermione and Harry are reminded of this in a painful manner.

Fancy meeting you here, Igor (Art; Snape, Karkaroff) -- on DW
Sure, he turned in other Death Eaters to the Wizengamot then, and Snape amongst them. But it was a long time ago, and Snape is the understanding and forgiving type, after all. No reason to worry about meeting him again, after all these years. . . Right?

Evan Ames Rises Up (Fic; Kingsley/Andromeda, Snape, others) -- on DW
Snape's ghost possesses someone. He does it much more slowly, subtly and successfully than Voldemort did. No unicorn-blood required; Snape was MUCH better at potions than Voldemort was.

No entry will be posted today, so we hope you'll take advantage of the day off to catch up on your reading and viewing and leave the creators welcome feedback.

Also, please do send us your recs! If you have recced any fest entries in your own journal, comment here or send us a note at deeplyhorrible [at] gmail [dot] com with the link. We will send entries with at least three recs to the [info]daily_snitch's "hot recs" column. (Please note that the Snitch does not count recs that appear in flocked journals or without commentary.)

Thank you for your interest!

Sun, Nov. 25th, 2012, 12:36 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Weekly Round-Up #1

The first week of [info]deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard! has come to a close. Here is a round-up of the week's entries:

The Little Prince (Art; Snape, other) -- On DW
What did Snape do as a Death Eater, before going back to Dumbledore? Did he torture/kill/whatever someone? Did he enjoy it?

Bitter Drink (Poem; Snape) -- On DW
Deep in Gringotts there is a bottle ...

A Turning Towards (Fic; Snape/Filch) -- On DW
The only thing more dangerous than a bastard like Snape is the man who just wants to make him happy.

Fifty Shades of Truth (Fic; Snape/Harry) -- On DW
What’s white is black, what’s black is white. All shadows are a trick of the light. Right?

After the Rain (Art; Snape, Harry) -- On DW
If occlumency lessons had a been an inherently violent and dangerous dialogue, then this was the public realisation of it, incased in a framework of trivial pedagogical abuse, but speaking of war, spies and bitter revenge.

Romance of the Age (Fic; Snape, Regulus, Lily, others) -- On DW
The rise of Severus Snape, who was born miserable and low, and had nowhere to go, really, but up.

No entry will be posted today, so we hope you'll take advantage of the day off to catch up on your reading/viewing and to leave the creators some welcome feedback.

Also, we would love to have your recs! If you have recced any fest entries in your own journal, comment here or send us a note at deeplyhorrible [at] gmail [dot] com with a link. We will send entries that have received at least three recs to the [info]daily_snitch's "hot recs" column. (Please note that the Snitch does not count recs that appear in flocked journals or without commentary.)

Thank you so much for your interest.

Sun, Nov. 18th, 2012, 01:26 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Posting Begins Tomorrow!

Bring Back the Bastard!
{banner by [info]bvizen}
To promote [info]deeply_horrible's Bring Back the Bastard Challenge, copy and paste the code below into your journal:

Dear friends,

It is my pleasure to be able to announce that [info]deeply_horrible's first fest to Bring Back the Bastard! will begin posting tomorrow. We will be posting one entry a day @DW/@LJ (links to both shall be provided on IJ), with the exceptions of Sundays, which shall serve as days of rest and catch-up. Reveals shall take place one week after posting ends.

Feel free to spread the word with help of these banners.

So excited!

Thu, Nov. 1st, 2012, 02:54 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sandy: Revised Schedule

Dear friends of [info]deeply_horrible,

Hurricane Sandy and an insanely busy fall season have taken their toll on many of us. More than half of our participants have asked for extensions; several are still without power, warm water, or are unable to reach their homes.

We think it best to move the fest back by a week.

Posting will now begin on November 19th, rather than November 12th. If you have an extension, feel free to take an extra week on top of the date already given you. If you need more time than that, just let us know. We don't want you stressed.

Stay safe and well. Our thoughts are with you.

20 most recent