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Hiatus [12/15/08]

I gotta hiatus for a bit kids. Finals are this week and then graduation and then being out of town for just a bit. I just need to lock into school and focus.

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Taking a temporary hiatus until my workload slows down and finals are over. :( Sorry guys, it's just really, super crazy right now, but I should be back soon!

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Hello everyone! I'm Jessica and I come bearing Angela Weber with the face of Leighton Meester. Angela is back in Forks due to the recent death of her father, so I'm sure she'd be ecstatic to see some familiar faces despite all the drama that's going on in the mythical world. Her history/bio is in her journal, and feel free to contact me at jessica on high via aim or suite15g@yahoo.com for plotting, or you can just comment here. I can't wait to start gaming with all of you! :)

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Here comes another one ... [12/04/08]

Hey peoples. Kat here, with my third (and hopefully last, for now anyway!) character. This is Andrew Kenney. He's a Child of the Moon, from Australia. He just arrived in Forks, and is surprised to find others of his kind here. His full history and all that stuff is up in his first journal entry, if you want to take a gander. I'm up for any and all plot for him, so LEMME HAVE IT! Hit me up for plots!

AIM - badaboombuh
EMAIL - monkeysinpants@gmail.com

You can reach me either way. I'm at work until 5pm, then driving home until about 545pm (all Eastern time!), but after that I should be available on AIM. Until Grey's Anatomy, of course. =p Feel free to hit me up!


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We held our second official BTD OOC chat on AIM this evening starting at 5PM EST. It's quiet now, but it's still up so let me know if you want an invite back in. I'm going to aim to hold them every Saturday and I'll post a time sometime prior to it.

During this session, we came up the following thoughts and ideas that we would appreciate everyone's input on!

Mini-Plots )

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So we held our first official BTD OOC chat on AIM this evening at 9PM EST. We came up with some good ideas during the chat, so I'm thinking about possibly making this into a weekly or biweekly thing based on people's schedules. I'll try to hold it at earlier times, like 6PM EST or 7PM EST if that fits people's schedules better. The more people involved = the better input we have to work with. When would be good times for everyone? What timezone are you in?

During this session, we came up the following thoughts and ideas that we would appreciate everyone's input on!

Mini-Plots )

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Hey! Amy here, picking up the wonderful Seth. I just couldn't resist. I figure Seth has just been spending the last couple of years being as normal of a teenager as he can. He's 16 now and even though he wishes no one was in danger, he's happy everyone is back. He always makes the best of things but he's missed Jacob, the Cullens, and especially his big sister.

I'm sort of on a wierd schedule at the moment but I will be on at least a few times a day. so if anybody wants to do anything with Seth or anything, just let me know!

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hey guys! sorry i'm too lazy to log into Alison's account. :)

I was wondering is some of the werewolves and cullens wanted to meet up. Maybe sort of a diplomatic thing, where one side contacts the others (via the shapeshifters I imagine) to meet, since they're -tentatively- on the same side. I was thinking we'll definitly need Carlisle, and obviously I want Alison to go, I think something had been mentioned about evelyn before, but i wanted to see who was into it?

you guys can comment on here or email me. (amydieg@gmail.com)

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Hey all. I am still on hiatus, but wanted to post an OOC note to let everyone know what's going on. I'm taking a last minute trip out of town for two weeks. I'll have the laptop, but I don't know how much of a chance I'll have to be on it, so I'm going to stay on hiatus.

Embry, Alec, and Niall aren't too popular, so I'm going to probably keep them (Unless someone is itching for Embry, if so I'll let him go too.) Alice, since she's a pretty central character, I'm going to let go. If no one snaps her up while I'm gone, then when I get back I'll snap her back up again and make with the getting active.

For the other three, feel free to play around them and assume they're wherever it makes sense for them to be. :) Everyone have a good Thanksgiving, if you celebrate, and I'll see you when I get back. (Maybe before if I have time to pop on!)

As always, you can drop me an email at sullensiren@gmail.com if you need me and I'm not on AIM!

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Numero dos. [11/20/08]

Hola peeps! This is Kat, with my second character Jared Ficher. I'm sure you all know and love Jared - how could you not? He's a fun guy, and he's Sam's Beta at the moment. He's up for any kind of storyline, any kind of fun. I'm game for pretty much anything. I need something to keep me occupied until tonight, otherwise I'm going to go absolutely crazy watching the clock, haha. I know you all know what I'm talking about. =p

ANYWHO. Jared and Emmett are both up for any kind of plottage ... you can catch me either via AIM at badaboombuh, or e-mail at monkeysinpants@gmail.com.

Peace out, homies.


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