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So, Dez has not been killed by vampires and she is coming to Forks! Would anyone like to meet her during her arrival?

Shapeshifter, werewolf...Heidi and Felix again. I'm up for whatever!

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[ music | Julia Nunes - Pen to Paper ]


:) just thought i'd through that out there.

does anyone want to do something with Emily? i feel like i'm neglecting her... :(
anything would be cool, just shoot me an e-mail (amydieg@gmail.com) or comment on here. i won't have alot of time until probably around 9 tonight, but after that i'll have way less homework for a little while!

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Back-ish! [11/17/08]

I apologize for being extremely sparce this weekend. It was one REALLY busy weekend for me!

I had tickets to a Margaret Cho show on Friday night (which was so funny I was in pain from laughing), and then Saturday morning I went to a rally/protest against Proposition 8. And, to top that stuff off, my sister came home from college this weekend, so I had to be the good big sister and "bond" with her. Which is never fun, seeing as how we don't get along at all. Seriously. We ended up going to dinner Saturday night, and it ended with me shoving mashed potatoes in her face and leaving. FUN TIMES!

Anywho! I'm back from my not-so-hiatus of a busy weekend, and ready to get right back into things! Rachel - I owe you a tag, and will get on that shortly!

If anybody wants either Edward or Quil for anything, just let me know! =)


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Urgh [11/16/08]

Just a heads up that I seem to have contracted a plague of some kind, and thus am spending a lot of time in bed, or zonked on meds, so replies and such are not coming easy. I'll try to tag all my threads tomorrow, but in the group threads and such, feel free to play around my kids and not wait on me. Sorry!

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Another one! [11/13/08]

Hey everyone - it's Erin here (again) with a new character. This is Quil Ateara ... here to be loved. He's currently in La Push with this whole other werewolves situation, so if anyone wants to plot out any kind of stuff for him, I'm totally game.

So, he and Edward are both up for grabs, if anyone wants to use them! You know you want to, so just stop denying yourself the satisfaction. =p

AIM is YayKabe, and my email is ThghtLsScmng@gmail.com (easiest way to reach me!).


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Help? [11/12/08]

[ mood | confused ]
[ music | The Park - Feist ]

So..... can someone tell me how to make the background of my journal an image, or whatever? I used to know how to put in an image for it on LJ, but I guess I've long since forgotten. I'd even take some advise on where to get good layouts for on here. This is the first time I've used InsaneJournal, so I don't even know if LJ layouts would work or not?

I don't know, just save me from my own IJ ignorance!

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Yo! [11/07/08]

Hey people! I'm Kat. I bring to your game the fantastic (and, my favorite character) Emmett Cullen!

What is there not to love about Emmett? He's a practical joker, he's always happy and laughing ... just a general great guy. You all know him well enough, I'm sure, so there's really no need to go into detail, am I right? Lol.

Um, what else to say? He's wiiiide open for any kind of a storyline or plot, of course with his angel Rosalie, and anyone else that's interested. He'd love to torment Bella some, that could be insanely fun. Though, I'm not sure he'd challenge her to a rematch just yet. His ego still hurts from the time she whooped his ass.

ANYWAY. Sorry, I get carried away sometimes. Haha.

AIM: badaboombuh
EMAIL: monkeysinpants@gmail.com

I can be reached by either! I'm usually on AIM in the evenings, but e-mail is good all day. Feel free to contact me if you want to plot, or even just to chat!


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Newbie! [11/05/08]

Hey everyone - my name's Erin and I'm new to the game. Me in a nutshell? I'm 22 years old, live in Ohio, and work at a lawfirm doing Human Resources. That's pretty much it! Not much to tell you guys about myself, and I doubt you'd want to hear all about me, anyway!

I bring Edward Cullen to the mix, and I'm up for anything, really. Umm, I don't really have to explain Edward to you, obviously, so there's no real need to introduce him ... so I guess that's pretty much all I have to say! I'm horrible at these introduction things, haha.

I can be reached on AIM at YayKabe, but I'm rarely on AIM since I'm always around the house doing this or that. The best way to get ahold of me is via e-mail ... I check my e-mail constantly throughout the day, every day. My e-mail is ThghtLsScmng@gmail.com ... that's the easiest way to reach me.

I'm excited to get started here, and feel free to shoot me an e-mail or comment to this entry!


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Hi! It's Jay with a werewolf this time! This is Dezirae "Dez" Koroma, one of the Children of the Moon from Africa.

She learned about the whole shapeshifting from her parents after she found her parents one night all bloodied up and such and they helped her with her transformations. But then one night she thought she could handle not being locked up. Because of that she killed a person for the very first time and then fled, roaming around Ethiopia and Kenya after that. She'd still be doing that if she hadn't heard about the La Push werewolves. So that's where she's headed now!

I'm up for any kind of plot. Since the Volturi will be coming to Africa, maybe something with them? Drop a comment if an idea strikes you!

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Hi! I'm Elly, and I'll be playing Rosalie. :D I'm recently back from a roleplaying hiatus so I'm really excited to start playing. I'm looking forward to getting Rose in the game. She's obviously in Denali with the others, sitting around looking pretty. She's very bored in Alaska, but manages to occupy her time. She loves spending time with Renesmee, whom she is still very protective of. Most of her time is spent with Emmett (who we will hopefully get because Emmett is <3), though she does like talking fashion with Alice and decorations with Esme. Basically, Rose does what she wants, when she wants, and makes no apologies for it. :)

I'd like to say more, but it'll be easier to do that by talking with you guys about what you think your characters' relationships with Rosalie would consist of. I love to plot (about anything, beyond my character), so please feel free to email me! My computer and AIM don't really get along but I will work on getting a SN soon. :D For now, you can either PM me here, or reach me at sinclair.elyse@yahoo.com ... It's nice meeting you guys and I'll hopefully have Rose make her debut very soon. If anyone wants to thread with her, let me know!

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