Dark Flowers

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dark_flowers @ livejournal

September 29th, 2010

10:56 am - Gift art for Cathedralcarver

Gift For: [info]cathedralcarver
Title: By your side
Author/Artist: Secret!
Pairing(s): Severus/Lily/Remus (implied)
Summary: They tend to his wounds before the dawn.
Rating: G
Warnings: none whatsoever
Author/Artist's notes: Thanks for letting me join the fest! ^_^


By your side )

@}~~Pick a petal~

September 27th, 2010

10:42 am - Gift Art for Kittylefish

Gift For: Kittylefish
Title: Under the Stars
Author/Artist: Secret!
Pairing(s): Snape, Lupin and Lily
Summary: Friendship is sneaking out and being under the stars
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Author/Artist's notes: I totally enjoyed working with the background on this one! I hope you like it!

Thumbnail preview:

Under the Stars )

@}~~3 petals scattered Pick a petal~

February 18th, 2010

11:13 pm - Gift Art for Lore

Gift For: Lore
Title: Definitely
Author/Artist: Secret!
Pairing(s): Snape/Lupin/Lily
Summary: Lily could definitely get used to this.
Rating: R
Warnings: NWS
Author/Artist's notes: This prompt stood out for me, I hope I did it justice! Happy Valentines!!

Definitely )

@}~~5 petals scattered Pick a petal~

February 14th, 2010

12:34 pm - Gift Art for kittylefish!
Valentine's bonus today! There will be two posts. One now and another at 6:00PM

Gift For: [info]kittylefish
Title: The Benefits of Exploring
Artist: Secret!
Pairing(s): Snape/Lily, Lupin
Summary: Remus did not expect what he found when he went exploring the far shores of the Lake...
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none

The Benefits of Exploring )

@}~~4 petals scattered Pick a petal~

February 12th, 2010

10:54 pm - Gift art for Karasu_hime

Gift For:karasu_hime
Title: WinterWonderland
Pairing(s): LE/RL/SS
Summary: The three friends are taking a walk along a snowy path.
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Author/Artist's notes: Made for art prompt #1 (Snow Scene-Winter wonderland with winter hats, mittens and scarves). I very much hope, it's to your liking.

WinterWonderland )

@}~~2 petals scattered Pick a petal~

February 9th, 2010

06:31 pm - Gift for Lullabelle72, NWS!!

Gift For: lulabelle72
Title:Snake in the Grass
Artist: Secret!
Pairing: Lily Severus Remus
Rating: Fic Hard R, Art-NWS
Warnings: Bestiality, Masturbation, light bondage, outdoor play.
Author/Artist's notes: I've been drawing a lot of snakes recently and this prompt just spoke to me. Her markings are based off a Red Tailed Boa.

Snake in the Grass )

@}~~5 petals scattered Pick a petal~

October 6th, 2009

07:10 am - Art For Real_life_Rosy

Gift For: real_life_rosy
Title: Keeping Her Boys in Line
Pairing(s): Lupin/Snape/Lily
Summary: Per the request: Lily and her two collared pets. :3
Rating: R
Warnings: body piercing, D/s


Keeping Her Boys in Line )
Tags: ,

@}~~6 petals scattered Pick a petal~

December 23rd, 2008

11:49 pm - Happy Holidays, Blpaintchart

Gift For: [info]blpaintchart
Title: Out for a Walk
Artist: ???
Pairing(s): Snupily
Summary: Lily wants to go to a discotheque
Rating: R
Warnings: slightly not work safe
Artists notes: Happy Holiday Chart! I hope you enjoy it! I used your prompt. An occasion in fancy dress. One wearing something rather surprising?

Out for a Walk )

@}~~15 petals scattered Pick a petal~

December 21st, 2008

10:27 pm - Happy Holidays, Lore

Gift For: _lore/lore
Title: Tangled Embrace
Pairing(s): Remus/Lily/Severus
Summary: Three may be company, but it's good company.
Rating: G
Warnings: None!
Author/Artist's notes: I couldn't resist adding some colour - it also helps sort out the limbs, I think :) I hope you enjoy this!

Tangled Embrace )

@}~~19 petals scattered Pick a petal~

December 19th, 2008

07:55 am - Happy _Holiday, Drusillas_Rain
Let's get this party started with a bang!!!

Gift For: [info]drusillas_rain
Title: Observation
Artist: ???
Pairing(s): Severus/Lily, Remus
Summary: per the prompt: Remus watches Severus and Lily fucking, while he's masturbating.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none

Observation -- NWS )

@}~~17 petals scattered Pick a petal~

August 24th, 2008

02:24 pm - Snupily Fanart: End of Summer, rated G
I was in the lupin_snape chatroom and the topic of summer ending came up.
I couldn't shake this image out of my mind.

Title: End of Summer
Artist: Karasu_Hime
Rating: G

End of Summer )

@}~~21 petals scattered Pick a petal~

October 18th, 2007

12:01 am - Halloween Doodle: Rated G
A little halloween doodle for the Spooky Month!

Greek Gods )

@}~~5 petals scattered Pick a petal~

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