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dogemperor [userpic]
Interview with Judge Roy Moore

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]deridetenebras)

At CrooksandLiars.com:


(availabe in Quicktime or WindowsMedia)

wherein he addresses the Treaty of Tripoli and America's "Judeo-Christian heritage"

dogemperor [userpic]
"Dress Shoes or Cowboy Boots?"

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]deridetenebras)

a truly WEIRD article by a man named Lou Engle concerning the resignation of Sandra Day O'Connor. includes: prophetic dreams, the merging of church and state, convoluted logic, and spiritual warfare-- all the things we love best about our dominionist friends.

Two years ago, on Fourth of July, I was prophetically led to decree Psalm 2 over the Supreme Court justices: "Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, o judges of the earth..." On that very same day, Sandra Day O'Connor was in Philadelphia to dedicate the then-new Constitution Museum. As she pulled ribbons to reveal a massive mural hanging above the stage, a heavy metal beam that was part of the framework of the mural came crashing down above her head. Only stopping inches above her head, O'Connor exclaimed that the fallen beam could have killed her.

I felt that the Lord was saying that because most of the Supreme Court justices were not grounded in truth, they were morally lightweight and unable to bear the framework of the Constitution as articulated by our Founding Fathers. I knew that the Lord was shouting that He was ready to deal with the renegade courts and the issue of abortion.

[...]Finally, last night, one of the leaders of the Justice House of Prayer had a dream where President Bush was in his room and had two pairs of shoes in front of him. One pair was dress shoes and the other was a pair of cowboy boots. In the dream, the President was going somewhere and was asking us which pair of shoes he should wear. We answered, "the cowboy boots...the cowboy boots..." We believe that this dream is saying that the houses of prayer must lift this man up day and night in intercession so that he can be the man that God has called him to be.

[...]We are calling for believers all across America, and especially those on the East Coast, to come rush to this battle, not only in prayer and fasting, but in holy activism.[...] The next few weeks are critical – come to DC and engage in this battle. This day, we fight!

full article here

dogemperor [userpic]
Cultural Warfare Update

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]britzkrieg)

Here are some of the "headlines" from [info]solarbird's cultural warfare update for July 6:

* Tennessee opens a new probe of the "ex-gay" camp (previously discussed here)
* Focus on the Family blasts the American Academy of Pediatricians for stating that abstinence-only education doesn't work very well (previously discussed here)
* Concerned Women for America "cranky" about gay rights protest historical marker in Pennsylvania
* Florida governor Jeb Bush pushes evangelistic Christian program in schools
* Family Research Council (FRC) condemns United Church of Christ for recognising same-sex marriages
* FRC action item: Demand Thomas/Scalia-like justice to replace O'Connor, condemns her for voting for Lawrence v. Texas as "striking at the heart of our Judeo-Christian heritage"

Check out the link to the Jeb Bush story in particular. Here's an excerpt:

Just before Father's Day, Gov. Jeb Bush announced that he wanted every public school in Florida to host a Christian-based program designed to increase fathers' participation in their children's lives... The program, All Pro Dad, combines a biblical foundation with the draw of popular professional athletes to promote the belief that "the father is the head of the household" and that men should rely on God to help them be better parents and keep their marriages intact. It also encourages Bible reading.

dogemperor [userpic]
And the dominionists are at it again trying to wreck the constitution...

...as if that "Flag Desecration Amendment" wasn't bad enough (which has, unfortunately, passed the House)...

http://www.family.org/cforum/fnif/news/a0037064.cfm (warning: triggering to walkaways)

Yes, they're trying to pass yet another amendment to *reverse* court decisions (and mind, the court decision was still regarded as allowing religious monuments if in historical context with *other* documents--aka you can show the Ten Commandments with, say, the Code of Hammurabi or the Six Nations' Accord of the Tree, but *not* as a strictly religious thing (as was attempted in KY).)

They are specifically going after constitutionally reversing the decision in KY, in which dominionist parties explicitly were putting the Ten Commandments in courthouses as a religious statement (as an aside--KY, especially those same counties, were also in a court decision that removed the Ten Commandments from being *required* to be posted in schools--yes, few people know it was required by *law*, and yes, the dominionists are *still* raising hell about it).

(And before people ask, yes, this is by far not the first time this has been tried--Istook has been trying to get this damn thing passed since at least 1997. http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/cs/blcs_rfa.htm as well as http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/rfaup.htm list previous efforts, and the asshat's own page (at http://www.house.gov/istook/religiousfreedom/) also details a history.)

Even worse, there is a growing movement by dominionists to actually have Roy Moore considered as a candidate for Supreme Court Justice (including multiple petition attempts):

http://www.conservativeusa.org/JusticeRoyMoore.htm (one of the offending petitions; reportedly the "Constitution Party", a dominionist party formerly called the US Taxpayer's Party that makes the Texas Republican Party platform look downright liberal in comparison (seriously--the "Constitution Party" is blatantly Christian Reconstructionist; http://glaivester.blogspot.com/2004/10/constitution-party-and-christian_08.html notes that one of the actual founders was Rushdoony *himself*; Randall Terry, who runs "Reclaiming America" and formerly operated Operation Rescue, is also a co-founder) also has a petition drive to get Roy Moore as a Supreme Court justice)

This is Bad All Around (especially since Roy Moore is blatantly Reconstructionist; I think if (gods above, gods below, and gods in between *forbid*) he DID manage to get in as a Justice a *lot* of people would suddenly have very good grounds to apply for political asylum in Holland; I know *I* would be moving that "plan B" into place)...it does NOT help that he's presently the "Golden Boy" of dominionists (http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=11927)

More info on this at MooreWatch, http://www.bravesbeat.com/bravesjournal/warliberal/archives/get_your_moore_on/roywatch/index.html

The "Constitution Party", of course, has links to racist groups all around, both from Moore and other members who address the modern version of "white citizen's councils" (http://www.bravesbeat.com/bravesjournal/warliberal/archives/2004/10/more_links.html as well as SPLC's reports). They're also known to be linked to militia groups, including "Christian Identity" and "Christian Patriot" groups (such as Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph are suspected of having been involved in).

As it is, Roy's been a bit of a liar all around: http://mediamatters.org/items/200506290001 notes how he actively lied regarding the criteria the US Supreme Court used in the Ten Commandment cases in KY, and apparently the IRS has rejected nonprofit status in past for Roy Moore's groups (http://www.al.com/news/birminghamnews/index.ssf?/base/news/112029583832200.xml&coll=2).

Still...it's not going to be a smooth ride at all. People *need* to be contacting the ACLU and SPLC and likeminded groups. Unless, of course, Holland and Canada want to see a lot of asylum cases in future :P

dogemperor [userpic]
Church-state wall in danger of collapse


This New York Times Op-ed talks about the upcoming Supreme Court selection:

July 4, 2005
The Church-State Wall Is the Best Protection Against Religious Strife

The wall of separation between church and state is in real danger of falling now that Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring. The Supreme Court narrowly reaffirmed its commitment to that wall last week in its Ten Commandments rulings, but only because Justice O'Connor voted to maintain that wall. If her replacement votes the other way, there may soon be more crosses, Ten Commandments monuments and prayers on government property.

There is a growing debate about what impact that would have on American life. That debate subtly found its way into last week's decisions. The justices generally focus more on what they think the Constitution means than on how their decisions are likely to be received. But two of last week's opinions made oblique reference to the rise of the religious right and its increasing anger over the court's religion rulings.Read more... )

dogemperor [userpic]
More on the Supreme Court Vacancy

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]britzkrieg)

The ever-eloquent [info]solarbird has posted a kind of "special edition" cultural warfare update to her blog, along with commentary. It deals with the new Supreme Court vacancy as well as other threats to gay rights and reproductive freedom. Here's an excerpt:

Scalia and Thomas aren't just reliable votes against abortion rights, but also voted to uphold laws criminalising the lives of gayfolk. Scalia in particular is also strongly hostile to minourity [sic] religions, writing just last week that the concerns of polytheists and atheists could simply be ignored in the law. Scalia has also written that any religious practice may be banned by government, as long as oppressing the religion is not the specific and stated goal of the legislation.

Neither of these justices share any great love for liberty in general - only in the specific and narrow areas they prefer. They may have voted the right way in Kelo v. New London - and I applaud them for that, tho' I see it very much a case of the stopped clock being right twice a day - but in almost every other way, they are a disaster for the freedom of the person.

And they're what President Bush has said, repeatedly, consistantly [sic], from 2000 to as recently as late last year, that he wants more of on the courts.

Full Post

dogemperor [userpic]
a new justice


While listening to NPR on the way home, I heard about Justice Sandra O'Connor's resignation from the Supreme Court. They played a snippet of Bush saying that he's asked his administration to submit for his consideration, nominees of integrity who would "faithfully interpret the Constitution".


I don't think I like the sound of that.

dogemperor [userpic]
Justice O'Conner Retires


Justice Sandra Day O'Conner has officially announced her retirement. While I have not agreed with all of her positions on things, she often acted as a voice of sanity and reason in the highest court in this nation. I expect the administration to attempt to replace her with a voice of insanity and unreason. This can get very messy

Current Mood: worried
dogemperor [userpic]
Supreme Court: What You Can Do RIGHT NOW

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mysticknyght)

I know a lot of you read DailyKos, but this stuff bears repeating as louldy and often as possible today:

what you can do now )

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: boomerradio.com
dogemperor [userpic]
US Supreme Court issues split decision in Texas 10-Commandments case

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]moirawolf)

The Texas monument to the Ten Commandments gets to stay.

It seems the key issue is the "Prominent Display" thus advocating one religion over another. The Supreme Court, in it's court room, has a copy of the Ten Commandments in a Freize over the court... HOWEVER, it also has Mohammed and Confucius as well. Thus, the Ten Commandments are not *prominently* displayed as the sole source of law.

Kentucky's got to take them down... Texas gets to keep them.

And there were *no* announcements of any retirements either. Court is now Adjourned.

dogemperor [userpic]
Supreme Court sides with ACLU on 10 Commandments

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]moirawolf)

In a 5-4 vote (O'Conner was the swing vote) the Supreme Court has just ruled that the 10 Commandments are NOT allowed on goverment property in the case of the Kentucky framed copy of them in Federal Court Houses.

They have yet to decide on the Texas issue where it's a monument on State Capital grounds.

(This breaking news per CNN)

dogemperor [userpic]
Congress Assaults the Courts, Again


From the NYT Op-ed pages:The theocrats continue to chip away at the courts...

Congress Assaults the Courts, Again
June 18, 2005

The House of Representatives took a little- noticed but dangerous swipe at the power of the courts this week. It passed an amendment to a budget bill that would bar money from being spent to enforce a federal court ruling regarding the Ten Commandments. The vote threatens the judiciary's long-acknowledged position as the final arbiter of the Constitution. It is important that this amendment be removed before the bill becomes law.

During consideration of an appropriations bill for the Departments of State, Justice and Commerce, Representative John Hostettler, Republican of Indiana, introduced an amendment to prohibit any funds from being used to enforce Russelburg v. Gibson County. In that case, a federal court ruled that a courthouse Ten Commandments display violated the First Amendment and had to be removed. Mr. Hostettler declared that the ruling was unconstitutional, and inconsistent with "the Christian heritage of the United States."[emphasis mine- ed]Read more... )

dogemperor [userpic]
The Constitution Restoration Act


Here's an article about the Constitution Restoration Act, an overt attempt to try to return the US to some fictional "Christian Nation".

Congress moves to restrict court rulings on God

05/18/05 "Vermont Guardian"

WASHINGTON — Conservatives balk at accusations that the current Congress and the Bush administration are intent on turning the United States into a theocracy. Yet, a bill sponsored by 28 members of the U.S. House and Senate looks like a move in that direction.

According to the text of the bill, the proposed Constitution Restoration Act of 2005 would remove the Supreme Court's jurisdiction over "any matter to the extent that relief is sought against an entity of Federal, State, or local government, or against an officer or agent of Federal, State, or local government (whether or not acting in official or personal capacity), concerning that entity's, officer's, or agent's acknowledgment of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government." Read more... )

dogemperor [userpic]
Shifting balance

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]thedemonprist)

From Yahoo! News: GOP Tilting Balance Of Power to the Right )

dogemperor [userpic]


Did this judge flunk his constitutional law classes?


dogemperor [userpic]


"US religious right sees Senate compromise on judges as 'betrayal'"

"Religious right vows payback for brokers of filibuster pact"

dogemperor [userpic]


This may be of interest:


dogemperor [userpic]
"Just the Beginning": an article from Newsweek

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]brigidsblest)

Just the Beginning

Forcing a rule change on filibusters is only the start of the GOP’s radical judicial agenda


By Eleanor Clift


Updated: 4:59 p.m. ET May 20, 2005

May 20 - A Jewish friend after making her first trip to Israel said, “This would be a great place if they could figure out how to separate government and religion.” I was reminded of her sentiments this week as the U.S. Senate began debate on two of President Bush’s judicial nominees, Priscilla Owen and Janice Rogers Brown, hostages in the ongoing culture war between born-again religionists and the more-or-less secular society the Founding Fathers envisioned.

When Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist accuses Democrats who oppose Owen and Brown of wanting to “kill, to defeat, to assassinate these nominees,” he transforms political rhetoric into an apocalyptic vision that is better suited to Bible class than the floor of the Senate. What’s behind his passion is naked ambition. He wants to be president and he’s courting the religious right. The scary part is that this over-the-top wooing of God-obsessed Christians is embraced by a growing number of Republican senators, all apparently sincere in their religiosity and some, like Frist, with presidential aspirations.

Read the rest... )

The article can be found at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7924870/site/newsweek/

Some very good points here.

Current Mood: angry
dogemperor [userpic]
"The Posse in the Pulpit"

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]britzkrieg)

Time Magazine discusses the Religious Right's interest in the filibuster debate and politics in general.

dogemperor [userpic]
Salon article: What the Founders warned against

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]thedemonprist)

This article from Salon (day pass required) sums up the filibuster showdown and what it means. Read more... )

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