Dark Christianity
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dogemperor [userpic]
Far Right has the answers- just ask 'em!


An article in the Times-Herald sums up the attitude of the Far Right, now that it is in power:

Dobson also has written some choice words about another miscreant, Sen. Patrick Leahey, D-Vt.

This is the same Patrick Leahey who was on the receiving end of Vice President Dick Cheney's urging that he go do something to himself I can't print in this newspaper.

"Patrick Leahy is a God's people hater," Dobson wrote. "I don't know if he hates God, but he hates God's people."

To which Stephanopoulos said: "Now Dr. Dobson, that doesn't sound like a particularly Christian thing to say. Do you think you owe Senator Leahy an apology?"

Dobson replied: "George, you think you ought to lecture me on what a Christian is all about?"

Well, somebody should. The good doctor must have missed the Sunday school class where they teach you that you should at least respect people you decide are your enemies.

He also missed the class where they teach you not to think for God.

The danger of Dobson and his cronies is they really believe this stuff. There is no room for dissent or tolerance in their world.

They believe they have a corner on faith and patriotism. But I'm reminded the most patriotic people in World War II were the Germans, and the most patriotic Germans were the Nazis, who knew they had all the answers.

One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 1:18. It was Lyndon Johnson's favorite, too: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord."

Reasoning together has gone out of style. People such as Dobson just make things worse.

They perpetuate the stereotype that people of faith are intolerant, bigoted ideologues who prefer name-calling to true religion. They believe they've bought the cross and the flag and must merge them with the Republican Party.

Those who dissent are wrong. Period.

You know, unless something changes, the radical right might just give Christianity a bad name.

dogemperor [userpic]
nothing new.


Thank God, I found you guys!

Heard on NPR this morning that the president plans to meet James Dobson while in CO today. Did a bit of searching and found this article on the trip. And some choice sentences...

First, however, the president is scheduled to meet with James Dobson, head of the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family. Dobson is a leading supporter of a proposed constitutional amendment that would bar legal recognition of same-sex marriages.

The group also supports the president's faith-based initiative, a plan to allow religious organizations to compete for federal social services contracts. The proposal is popular with religious groups and Bush is pushing it ahead of the fall elections.

Dobson did not return phone calls seeking comment.


dogemperor [userpic]
Brouhaha brewing over National Day of Prayer


A "Liberty Council" is attempting to intimidate local officials into participating in the National Day of Prayer.

According to The Village Gate:

The Christian Right press is reporting that Matt Staver of "Liberty Counsel," has issued a warning to governmental officials who fail to participate in the National Day of Prayer:

Liberty Counsel president Mat Staver warns that government officials who try to curtail activities in observance of the National Day of Prayer could face legal action. "One of the things that we will ensure this year is that the NDOP gets equal treatment and equal access," he says.

Liberty Counsel is an organization that advertises its close relationship with Jerry Falwell and James Dobson. Dobson's wife is the chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force along with honorary chairman, Oliver North. North's book, True Freedom, is featured prominently in Task Force materials promoting its theme for the day, "Let Freedom Ring."

Staver is insisting that federal, state and local government officials gather and pray on the NDOP:

However, Staver says the nationwide observance was set aside as a time for the people, including mayors and other governmental leaders, to gather at various meetings and to acknowledge God and pray. "They shouldn't be intimidated by the ACLU, and certainly governments should not censor the National Day of Prayer," he says.

And Staver points out that many past efforts to interfere with observances of the NDOP have failed. There have been several situations, he says, "where cities have either tried to ban National Days of Prayer, or where the ACLU has threatened suits to stop the National Day of Prayer, or where its observance has been allowed to go on, but NDOP activities have not had equal access in public forums as other secular meetings have."

Nevertheless, those past efforts to curb the observance of the NDOP have always been unsuccessful, and the Liberty Counsel attorney says any public officials who try to do so this year will find themselves on the losing end of a legal battle.

The Village Gate is sponsoring a letter writing campaign to government officials and editors and across the country decrying the way that the Christian Right has hijacked the National Day of Prayer. Sample letters are linked below.


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