Dark Christianity
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dogemperor [userpic]
Some thoughts about this community from the founder/moderator


I just went and checked the 'stats' of this community, and was surprised to find that there are 230 LJ members reading it, and probably a whole bunch of 'anonymous' readers reading it also. Wow. What started as a small side community that I created to scratch a 25-year old 'itch' has become something quite a lot bigger than I expected. (The 'itch' I speak of came from reading Conway and Siegelman's "Holy Terror" in '82. It lit my curiosity, and because I was surrounded by evangelicals in the USAF, I felt I needed to learn about them just for self-defence.)

I want to welcome everyone here, encourage you to read the older posts, and follow the links on the front page. This community serves two purposes: to examine the Dominionist Christian movement and its effect on our government, laws, and leadership, and to serve as a place for 'walkaways' to decompress and tell us about what it was like 'inside'. Read more... )

dogemperor [userpic]
Learn about Theocratic Dominionism


Since this community's name is "Dark" Christianity, I wanted to touch upon just exactly what is meant by 'dark'. It doesn't mean Christianity in general- it is meant to highlight and illuminate a sub-sect of Christian extremists who are now in control of a lot of government offices in the US- including the most powerful ones.

Who are these people? Why should we learn about them? Why are they a threat? Can we counteract their dire desires for the US?

I've found some interesting links and excerpts which might help explain them a little better, so you'll understand which Christians we're talking about when 'dark' is used to describe them. Happy reading!

DisinfoPedia defines Dominionists and Theonomy:

“Dominionism”, as defined by S.R. Shearer, is a “militant post-millennial eschatology (‘doctrine of end times’) which pictures the seizure of earthly (temporal) power by the church as the only means through which the world can be rescued; only after the world has been thus 'rescued' can Christ return to ‘rule and reign.’ (Some dominionists see the seizure of the earth as the result of ‘signs, wonders, and miracles;’ others picture it as the result of military and political conquest; most see it as a combination of both.)”Read more... )

dogemperor [userpic]
A breath of fresh air


While the goal of Dark Christianity is to closely examine the darker and scarier aspects of certain Christian sects and their interaction with both our government and the world at large, I want to make sure that it doesn't become a bastion of intolerance itself. Not all conservative Christians are neocons and want to turn the US into a theonomy or destroy the world for Christ. In fact, quite a few of them are rather unhappy about being seen as such people. And in all fairness, I want to make sure that these folks get some fresh air time.

Baptists tend to be some of the loudest of the Christians, but not all of them have been assimilated by the Neoconservative Borg Collective. It is helpful to remember that before the rise of fundementalism, Baptists of various sorts - along with other Christian sects- were instrumental in making the US the paradise for religious expression that it once was, before its current decline.

That said, I want to introduce you to some Mainstream Baptists who are not your "Landover" sorts, and who have broken away from the Southern Baptist Convention because the SBC's increasing intolerance and narrow-mindedness. This refreshing view includes the treatment of women, the neoconservative takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention, and a Biblical innerancy test that will bring a smile to your face.

Yes, these are conservative and deeply religious people. But their faith emphasizes good works and quiet faith- much on the lines of former President Jimmy Carter, who did not use his faith as a cudgel to hammer out a war, but as a means to improve the world. People tend to forget that- but he is one of my heroes because of it.

So, go take a peek. Read, learn, understand. Get to know these quiet but faithful people. They are not the virulently intolerant foes so often maligned in the press or elsewhere. In fact, these folks might be the key to our country's salvation in more ways than one.

(Yes, I'm quoting articles that were mentioned in earlier posts, but good things are worth going back to- as you can see.)


dogemperor [userpic]
A word from Your Moderator


The front door of Dark Christianity says:

Dark Christianity is a place for the exploration and discussion of more radical, toxic, and fringe elements of the Christian faith. It is not a flame or bash board. All religions have their 'dark' side, their extremists and 'talibans'. This site is a place to examine these elements of the Christian faith, and learn about what happens to a group when their dogma and authority gets out of hand.

This means that all the usual cutsey-poo stuff like Quizilla quizzes and other memes do not belong on this journal. It is meant for serious examination and discussion of the extremist side of Christianity, not one's personal faith, etc. There are plenty of other Christian communities which will welcome things like that.

On the other side, I will also remind everyone that this is not a flame or bash board- it is simply meant to be a forum of discussion for the topics stated above.

I will modify the front door of this journal to reflect this, and ask that those who post here adhere to the guidelines. Any folks who can't or won't will have their posts deleted.

Dark Christianity Moderator

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