Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
A new question

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gloucester)

As I was reading up on some things near and dear to the topic of fighting dominionism, some questions (finally) occurred to me.

I live in Lubbock, Texas, at last report the second most conservative city in America. Even so, I have no direct experience with dominionists here. Conservative Christians, yes, many of whom are conservative even to the point of being unreasonable, stupid, short-sighted, or even ill-intentioned on the small scale (this last is very rare in my experience here), but not dominionists of the kind I see described here.
The primary religion is protestant Christian, the city is overwhelmingly "red" on social and economic issues, the war, and anything else that touches politics. Now, obviously, conservative Christianity is not by-deffinition dominionism by itself, but the tenets are inarguably close on most things. My question is, why am I seeing so little actual dominionism in this city? If I were a dominionist leader, I would want to solidify my hold on all the credibility and safety in numbers I could get my hands on, so why not reap the harvest here where it is so obviously ripe and gain the benefit from it? What do they have to gain by staying away, or lose by coming here and steeplejacking? Is there something about Lubbock or the people here that makes them resistant to the idea, even though they are so close to dominionism in their own beliefs? Are Lubbock Christians in the throes of a Texan-individualistic "dominionism of one" kick?
Or, am I simply missing some vital detail that would tell me dominionism has already "been and gone" here? If that is the case, why do I not see dominionism's marks on the churches I've been to here?
If dominionism hasn't come here already, how might I be able to tell they intend to, at some future time, or are planning to in the near future? Or is that not even how it works? What do I watch for in my own church to tell if there is a movement toward dominionism?

I'm not even sure I'm asking the right questions here, but with any luck I've been clear on exactly what is confusing me about my own city.

EDIT: Wow. The city's own website turns up a bunch of megachurches. I'm examining their web-pages, and many appear to be of an at least mildly dominionist bent. I've just been going to the "wrong" churches to have spotted them. But why then aren't they steeplejacking the independant churches? Or, how would I know if they intend to?