Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Is this more LJ censorship?

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fragiletender)

Although this isn't directly related to Dominionism please bear with me because I think it is relevant to us. If the mods don't feel it belongs here then feel free to delete but I wanted to get the news out and thought folks might be interested.

The Russian LJ-ers are currently complaining in LJ News that they are being censored (they fear by the KGB or similar government areas). As I understand it, they can't post the letters d-p-n-i without dashes.

The censorship of Russian LJ-ers is interesting enough and something that should obviously be addressed if true but what really interests me is that this may not be confined to the 'Russian area' of LJ but may be across the whole of LJ. I just tried a little test. I attempted to post the letters d-p-n-i in my journal. It failed twice, I got an LJ StreamError_1_54 message. I immediately tried with the word 'test', which posted instantly. I also attempted to post the disputed letters in LJ News without the dashes and it wouldn't post there either. I had to close my window, cut and paste and add the dashes in to be able to post my comment.

I know the site has been buggy as hell for days so I'd like a bit more data on this - does anyone else want to test this one out? Maybe it's a momentary glitch, maybe it is actual censorship. If it is censorship then it's definitely not confined to Russia as I'm in England and I already know of one America user, another Brit and someone in Switzerland who couldn't post the disputed letters either.

D-P-N-I or The Movement Against Illegal Immigration is a nasty far right wing anti-immigration movement in Russia. While The Movement Against Illegal Immigration (see Wikipedia for more info) is certainly not a political party that I would in any way support, I would like to know if it's an example of something else that it's banned in the New Improved LJ TM.

This is breaking news people, please help me test this and pass it on. I've already asked the Russian LJ-ers for more news.

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Current Music: Fly - Throwing Muses