Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Dang! We're popular!


I just noted that we're getting close to crossing the 1400 member mark. That totally boggles my mind. But that also means that there are probably some folks here who'd like to know a bit more about this community and its purpose. A lot of that is on our Front Door page, and I invite you to go visit it. But the root story is that I started this community back in '03 as a hobby-horse, not exactly sure where I was going to take it. I thought about having a 'snark' spot, then decided against that. Debate was out, too. Others had that cornered quite nicely. Then I realized that I had an excellent kernel for this community- something I've been writing about and researching and having firsthand understanding with for over 20 years: Dominionist Christianity. I didn't know that was its name, and Dominionists generally don't call themselves that (well, maybe the Rushdoony descendants do), but it's a pattern of volitile action and interaction that distinguished them from ordinary Christians. I decided that this place would become a platform to educate, enlighten, research, and warn people about this growing political-religious wolf in sheeps' clothing that was devouring congregations everywhere. It's started small, but in the four years this community has been around, it's become a touchstone for people to learn. Some have even created other, more directed communities after seeing how this one works. Talk To Action is one offshoot that I was purposely involved in. They're more proactive, and I hope you'll visit them, and the other places we've placed on the sidebar. And don't forget our Wiki- it's a great place for research, too.

That said, this might also be an opportunity for some of our established members here to warm up their keyboards and write a bit about what Dominionist Christianity is, and why it's something that we should pay close attention to. The wall separating church and state in the US has never been weaker, and there are signs that in many places, it's been breached- the military being a prime example. I plan to talk a bit about that in a later post.

Education is a powerful thing. Any group- religious or not- who seeks to control what you see, hear, or read is one that should be avoided. Knowledge is power, and it is the best weapon against fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD). It does not matter what you believe- this is true for all people, and it is a good thing to know.

Be good to each other, and enjoy your stay.