Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
National Association of Evangelicals comes out in favor of environmental responsibility

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]wyldraven)

Things are really looking up recently. There's been a great deal of good news lately on the global warming front, but this one just blows me away.

NewScientist.com: Climate change unites science and religion

Laying down their swords over how we came to exist, leaders from scientific and evangelical communities in the US joined forces today in an unprecedented effort to protect what we have.

Speaking at a press conference in Washington DC, members of the newly formed group expressed concerns about planetary threats caused by humans including climate change, habitat destruction, pollution, and species extinction.

The group issued an “urgent call to action” signed by 28 coalition members including university professors, federal biologists, directors of conservation organisations, seminary officials, evangelical organisation leaders, and "megachurch" pastors.

The statement, sent to President George W Bush and Congressional leaders urges fundamental change in public policies and states that “business as usual cannot continue yet one more day”.