Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Talking with Folk Who Hate You

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]catvincent)

X-posted from my LJ...

John Rogers - aka Kung Fu Monkey, gives us this link to an excellent resource:

" I'll direct you to a fine series of essays written by Sara Robinson over at David Neiwert's joint. Sara, a former fundamentalist Christian, examines the social and psychological underpinnings of fundamentalist society at large, extends into authoritarianism, and then ties it all up in integrating ways to effectively communicate with people who are predisposed to not just disagree with you, but consider debate weakness. Ways of communicating honestly and openly, but keeping in mind the different ways different social structures view language and culture.

I think this series of essays is not just a wonderful tool in public discourse, but might also be helpful for some readers having intra-family issues. And setting aside domestic politics -- this is also the sort of discussion we should be having about our cultural warfare component in the struggle against Islamic Fundamentalism.

Robinson's analysis is spot-on - especially in detailing areas where actual physiology and neurochemistry play a factor in the imprinting and deprogramming process (stress and trauma altering brain chemistry to make an individual more malleable - something also explored in detail in the non-fiction of Robert Anton Wilson). She gives us a vital and effective toolkit.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Drone Zone: [SomaFM]