Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Random Thougths that gather strength in the night

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]navytron89) Last night on the way home from work, I was thinking about -
"Do Fundies and Dominionists believe in life on other planets?"

I was curious to know if they do or are they so Luddite/Flat Earther in their mindset that they can't understand that there is the possibility of life on other worlds. 

While I received part of my answer here at Teens-4-Christ webpage with missions2005 response. 

But I find it amazing that Fundies/Dominionist don't believe in life on other planets; yet all those books and films made about aliens has to be read by someone other that just the sci-fi fans and communities? 

Part of this came from a coversation with a Dobson supporter who I work with and daily I keep pointing out Dobson's faults and twisted logic based on scriptures. I was actually surprised he didn't believe in aliens himself, yet I've seen him read sci-fi books and not just the Bible.

location: Norfolk, VA
Current Mood: curious