Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Newest chapter in the Mel Gibson story ..

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lihan161051)

Mel Gibson Arrested on Terrorism Charges.

The famous Australian-American actor, director and producer has been arrested at his residence today on terrorism charges. The details are still coming in at this time.
The charges come two days after his run in with Southern California law enforcement. In the previous incident Gibson reportedly failed a breath test. He was charged on suspicion of driving under the influence and freed on bail.

The charges come as little surprise after his anti-Semitic comments such as “Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Using the U.S. Patriot Act the FBI had been following Mel Gibson’s illegal terrorist activities for months. According to sources in the Los Angeles Division of the FBI, Mel Gibson had been funneling money through Australia, where Gibson had lived for many years, into Lebanon and Palestine to help Muslim Extremists fight against Israel. Some of the money went to groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, no word on if any had been funneled to Al-Qaeda.

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried ..


Apparently even I can be fooled. The site is pretty clearly a spoof, from diligent whois searches done on the domain as well as deeper looks at the site content. My apologies for not catching this sooner. Moderator's call on whether I pull it or leave it up as more of a humor discussion. I'm still sort of convinced that Mel may pull a Kirk Cameron on us one of these days, though, and this seemed to indicate that today was the day. But that, as they say, is no excuse ..