Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary!

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lillybeloved)

Today was Seminary Day for the religion majors so everyone came to us, so while I'm drooling over Duke and Harvard and Princeton, I notice the corner has the lovely Southern Baptist Theological Seminary from Kentucky.
So, they're obviously dominonist, we already knew this. I kinda liked the part where if you are a Southern Baptist, it only costs $150/semester hour, but if you aren't, it's $300/hour.
However, I got my hands on (all, down to the kitchen magnets and cookies) of their lovely swag, I grabbed a few minibooklets from R. Albert Mohler, President of SBTS, which I know vaugely connected to Focus on the Family, but not much else about him. It was interesting, this is a table to get us to go to Southern, but the booklets were not "look at how awesome we are!!!" but were "Homosexuality and the Bible" and "The Marks of Manhood".
Anyway, biggest question: Who is Mohler? What's his (probably very large) connection to all of this? (cause yall dig up more resources than I ever knew about)

also, I've got a CD with a bunch of his lectures on it now, if anyone would like to borrow that...