Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Bad PR

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]squidflakes)

If anyone got to catch Trading Spouses tonight, then you'll know how insane this obviously Dominionist woman was.

For those who didn't catch it, image a woman who's pushing 400 pounds on a light frame pushing and prodding a new agey family with constant admonisment about going to church and beliving in god. Then, when they try to talk about their beliefs, she ignores them, asks them to not talk about it, then finally starts screaming at them.

When she gets home, she completely melts down, starts screaming about witchcraft, tarot cards, gargoyles. She was so worried that this "dark sided" woman had tainted the family that she kept yelling at them, and finally ripped up the $50,000 check that the show rewards you with. Course, her family loved the "evil spirtual" mom.

In the end, in a nice little aside, she descided to accept the money.

It was a hell of a ride, and I really felt sorry for the woman. Anyone who can get that far in life being that ignorant and close-minded deserves pity.