Dark Christianity
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Back October 25th, 2007 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
Blow to Creationists as Scientist Retracts Paper


I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but a scientific paper widely used as evidence in the creationist community has been retracted. Does here know how much creationists have relied on this paper?

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dogemperor [userpic]
Who's Watching the Watchmen

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]idragosani)

Article about The Watchmen, an active group of gay bashing street thugs:

"There's been a flood of movement conservatives accusing liberals of being Nazis lately, most recently Debbie Schlussel and Michael Savage. Most of it has been barely concealed projection. We can hardly wait, of course, for Jonah Goldberg's contribution to the meme, though it looks we may be waiting awhile. Newspeak can be tricky, after all.

But the most striking use of the "liberal Nazis" meme I've yet heard -- striking, that is, for the Bizzaro World inversion of reality it reflected -- came this weekend from Vlad Kusakin, the Sacramento-based editor of a Russian-language newspaper called The Speaker. Kusakin went on a rant about the "liberal media" and the 120 or so people gathered in protest outside the convention hall in Lynnwood, Wash., where he was speaking to a group calling itself the Watchmen on the Walls."


And the scariest quote: "I don't believe all discrimination is wrong," he said. "I discriminate based on what is right. God discriminates too."

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dogemperor [userpic]
...and speaking of fascism...

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]idragosani)

"As Muslim students and their supporters protested outside, commentator Ann Coulter told a USC audience Wednesday night that Americans should get tough on terrorists and "stop genuflecting before Islam."

Coulter's speech to a supportive audience of about 230 in Annenberg Auditorium was part of a nationwide series of events on college campuses that has been dubbed "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" by its organizer, Los Angeles author and activist David Horowitz. Another 100 or so watched on screens in the auditorium lobby, not far from about 150 protesters from Muslim, Jewish and Christian student and community groups."

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I read somewhere (maybe it was here on [info]dark_christian?) that next week should be "Christo-Fascism Awareness Week" -- except we don't need just a week, it's something we need to be aware of all the time.

Back October 25th, 2007 Forward