Dark Christianity
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Back July 22nd, 2005 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
Falwell attacks Christian Alliance for Progress


This Religious Right Watch article has links to emails and other interesting goodies.

Christian readers of RRW might very well find an advocate in the new org, Christian Alliance for Progress (CAP). They were recently attacked by Jerry Falwell, so they must be doing something right. Christian or non-, if you want a great example of the Christian Right's understanding of "faith" (i.e., the Christian Right is really about [conservative] politics, not faith), the below reprinted e-mail from CAP is interesting. (The emphasis is not in the original.)

dogemperor [userpic]
Los Angeles: SCHA-LA / dominionism (x-post)


It's really been a long time since SCHA-LA has done anything, and we have decided that we want to start working together in person again. So, what does that mean? Bar-b-que, of course. And discourse.

We are going to have a bar-b-que-slash-discussion about Kingdom Theology/Dominionism: what it is, what we think their agenda is, how it affects us and what we can do about it.

We're looking at weekends in August to see when would be the best time to hold it. We put together an e-vite with all of the details, but rather than post our home address and phone number all over the internet, if you want an invitation to come, here is what you can do:

please e-mail scha_losangeles[at]yahoo[dot]com and give us the following information:

your name
your phone number
why you want to come & what food you want to bring
would you like to do a short presentation/lead a discussion? what topic?

And we will call you just to confirm. Once settled, we'll send you an e-vite. So please, e-mail us. It's going to be great. Those of you who used to come to SCHA meetings know this: we're a really nice, very diverse group of people, most of whom are great cooks. There's always lots of food. It's a great way to meet people in the area who are interested in the same things you are.

Back July 22nd, 2005 Forward