Dark Christianity
.::: .::..:.::.:.
Back December 14th, 2004 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
the Moral Majority


Invigorated by what he calls the "greatest victory" in the history of the religious right, Rev. Jerry Falwell says he is going to resurrect the Moral Majority — the movement he started in the 1970s that some say led to the march of Christian soldiers to Washington.

dogemperor [userpic]
Bill Moyers: The Delusional is No Longer Marginal


Bill Moyers talks about the onslaught of 'delusional' thinking that has taken over our governent and its leadership. His sharp criticism is a breath of fresh air.

Writing in Mother Jones recently, Bill [McKibben] described how the problems we journalists routinely cover—conventional, manageable programs like budget shortfalls and pollution—may be about to convert to chaotic, unpredictable, unmanageable situations. The most unmanageable of all, he writes, could be the accelerating deterioration of the environment, creating perils with huge momentum like the greenhouse effect that is causing the melt of the Arctic to release so much fresh water into the North Atlantic that even the Pentagon is growing alarmed that a weakening Gulf Stream could yield abrupt and overwhelming changes—the kind of changes that could radically alter civilizations.Read more... )

dogemperor [userpic]
Dominionist smear tactics


This is an interesting article about a smear attack and lawsuit against a CA school principal. It's a tangled mess, but it deftly illustrates the attack methods and smear campaigns that Dominionists use against those whom they perceive as 'enemies'.

- Far Right group files lawsuit against the Principal and the Cupertino Union School District (CUSD) on behalf of teacher Stephen Williams who used slanted, dubious or false propaganda to push a "Christian" nation perspective on the school students and then claimed "discrimination" when he was stopped from pursuing this.

The author of the piece makes it clear that this is a Far Right (Dominionist) attack, and isn't against conservatives or Christians in general. Read it and learn.

[Thanks to [info]kalibex for this and the preceding article.]

dogemperor [userpic]
Can fundamentalism be the deciding factor?



Women who kill their children commonly cite God, the devil and other religious influences for their actions. Although the mothers are also often found to be severely mentally ill or psychotic, the recurring theme of religiosity begs the question: Is religion to blame?

Olson said that while religion doesn't cause mental illness, he believes existing conditions can be inflamed by religious environments where leaders demand absolute obedience and claim to speak for God.

"This kind of culture, religious atmosphere, group dynamic can set up a situation where that person is more likely to act out in aggressive ways under tremendous pressure," Olson said.

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