Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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Cultural Warfare Update

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]britzkrieg)

Here are some of the "headlines" from [info]solarbird's cultural warfare update for July 6:

* Tennessee opens a new probe of the "ex-gay" camp (previously discussed here)
* Focus on the Family blasts the American Academy of Pediatricians for stating that abstinence-only education doesn't work very well (previously discussed here)
* Concerned Women for America "cranky" about gay rights protest historical marker in Pennsylvania
* Florida governor Jeb Bush pushes evangelistic Christian program in schools
* Family Research Council (FRC) condemns United Church of Christ for recognising same-sex marriages
* FRC action item: Demand Thomas/Scalia-like justice to replace O'Connor, condemns her for voting for Lawrence v. Texas as "striking at the heart of our Judeo-Christian heritage"

Check out the link to the Jeb Bush story in particular. Here's an excerpt:

Just before Father's Day, Gov. Jeb Bush announced that he wanted every public school in Florida to host a Christian-based program designed to increase fathers' participation in their children's lives... The program, All Pro Dad, combines a biblical foundation with the draw of popular professional athletes to promote the belief that "the father is the head of the household" and that men should rely on God to help them be better parents and keep their marriages intact. It also encourages Bible reading.

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