Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
"Theocracy Puzzle"

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]hummingwolf)

From the decidedly "religious right" World Magazine Blog:

As shown in the post "Atheist Evangelism" below, many secularists are deathly afraid that America is becoming a theocracy. To Christian conservatives--who almost never get their way, even from politicians they helped to elect--such an over-estimation of their power and influence can only be laughable. Set aside the reality that hardly any Christian conservatives do , in fact, seek to impose a theocracy. ("My kingdom is not of this world," Jesus said. Besides, Christians know that faith cannot be coerced, and that any government that claims theocratic authority would have to be implemented by sinful human beings. This does not, however, mean that Christians are to be unengaged in their government and their culture. Christians are indeed obliged to work for their neighbor's good in every sphere of life, even in this sinful world.) But what gains have Christians made that leads secularists to think a theocracy is imminent? That Christians are crusading against abortion and homosexuality, though with hardly any success? A few decades ago, when abortion was against the law and homosexuality was assumed by all sides to be immoral, was that a theocracy?

Some of the comments to the post are interesting, if frustrating, to read.