Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

300 Prompts: #46, Dare

Title: Truth or Dare
Characters: Will Bell & Rin Clarke, plus mentions of Penny, Rosmerta, Greta, & assorted other Hufflepuffs
Setting: Hufflepuff common room, DMR-verse, at some point in the school year
Word Count: 271
Summary: The Badgers play Truth or Dare
Rating: Low, just a bit of a snog going. And near-nakedness, but SFW.
Author's Note: For the 300 prompts #46: Dare

'Okay … Will! Truth or dare?' )
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Sunday, April 17th, 2011

50 Prompts: #36, Joy & #5, Sorrow (Theodore Orsini)

Title: Joy
Characters: Theodore Orsini and Annie Eastman
Setting: Christmas morning 1962, Milan
Word Count: 769
Summary: When you take your childhood sweetheart on a romantic vacation away, it's kind of required that certain things happen.
Rating: G for Gooey
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #36: Joy

Teddy would be the first to admit that he was a sappy fool around his girlfriend. )

Title: Sorrow
Characters: Theodore Orsini, mentions of Annie Orsini and Milena Orsini
Setting: 6 January, 1971, London
Word Count: 538
Summary: The anticipation of good news is torn away and replaced with horrible news.
Rating: S for SAD
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #5: Sorrow

Teddy was just useless today. )
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Sunday, November 14th, 2010

300 Prompts: #288, Round (Mary Macdonald)

Title: Round
Characters: Mary Macdonald & Chase Harper
Setting: Summer, 1977
Word Count: 151
Summary: Chase talks Mary into trying something new.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #288: Round.

Come on, it's not like you haven't done this before, right? )
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Friday, November 12th, 2010

300 Prompts: #145, Slut (Mary Macdonald)

Title: Sticks and Stones
Characters: Mary Macdonald
Setting: Train back from Hogwarts, June 1976
Word Count: 153
Summary: If Mary had said something about Mulciber's attack right after it happened.
Rating: PG-13 for mature themes
Author's Note: Alternate series of events (or, rather, Mary's entire justification for why she didn't say anything when it happened); for the 300 Prompts #145: Slut.

Or, at least, that's what everyone else believed. )
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