Thursday, January 17th, 2008

RP Log: There For You (Margaret Kenmore and Demetrius Smith)

Originally posted by Alya in obliviate1975 @ gj on February 22, 2007. Collaborative log between Alya and myself.

Characters: Demetrius Smith and Margaret Kenmore
Setting: The library, somewhere in March 1975
Summary: Margaret lost her family members, and everything is pretty much bleak and dark for her, but then Demetrius is there to make things better. Naturally. ;D CUTENESS OMG *DIES* I love them muchlymuchly much.
Rating: PG

Why? Why are you here for me? )
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Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

Crack Fic: Untitled (Margaret Kenmore, Doris Purkiss, Demetrius Smith)

Written by Whit and originally posted in obliviate1975 @ gj on February 22, 2007

Characters: Doris Purkiss, Margaret Kenmore, and Demetrius Smith (Doris/Margaret)
Requested by: Brandi
Rating: PG 13 for language and some heavy-duty snogging (femme-slash)
Author's Note: After the Joey/Rachel, I needed a little comedy in my life.

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