Friday, April 6th, 2018

Hey hi hello! It's been ages since I posted anything to this poor fic journal. But now that I'm swinging back into RP, I'm also wanting to swing back into writing. So I've compiled a new prompt table. Unlike previous prompt tables, I'm not taking requests this time. Partly because it has been so long since I've written most of my characters, I'm not sure I could easily slip back into their voices and remember their relationships with other characters. And also partly because this is more for me, I want to be able to come to the prompt table and pick one that fits for me. Some will be characters I've played, some may just be flash-fic. But I really want to stretch my writing muscles some, and I figure this is a great place to start.

50 prompts )
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Friday, November 12th, 2010

more prompts!

You know the drill. Pick a character of mine (& one of yours, if you so desire) and a prompt. I can't promise I'll get to these in order or necessarily quickly, it depends on how and when inspiration strikes. And I don't do fandom, just characters I've played.

Because the table is SO HUGE, feel free to request a bunch.

ETA: I have discovered that the prompt "Slow" is on the table twice, so I'm swapping out one with a different prompt.

300 prompts )
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Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

50 prompts: table

Pick a prompt and either (a) one of my characters, or (b) a pairing involving one of my characters and someone else. If you pick a pairing, plz to specify if you want it to be friendship, romantic, cracky, what-have-you. I won't write smut.

50 prompts )
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Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

100 prompts: chart

Jess is a trendsetter liek woah. 100 prompts, 100 ficlets. Comment with a prompt (include the #, plzkthnx) and one of my characters. :)

Table )
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25 Flavors: Chart

25 Flavors of ... )
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