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FIC: Dealing with Detours--Xmen, SG1, SGA Gen. [Sep. 1st, 2008|08:00 pm]

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title: Dealing with Detours
author: lisa roquin
rating: 15+
fandom: Xmen/Stargate SG1/Stargate: Atlantis
characters/pairings: Logan, Gambit, Chamber, Iceman, Storm, SG1 (circa S8) SGA (circa early S1)
disclaimer: all copyrighted characters and their "universes" belong to their respective authors, writers, creators, production companies, producers and long lists of people that are so very much not me. Quite simply, if you recognize it, it isn't mine. No profit made, no harm intended, just having fun.
summary: “Welcome to earth, that was one hell of an entrance, care to tell me what that was?” “Eart’ thought was s’poster go to some ot’er planet?”
warning: nothing out of what could possibly make it onto the shows or into the comics.
author's note: for mymatedave for the birthday goodies
wordcount: 10,200+ (split for length 2pts linked)
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