Fanfic by Clo [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Multi-part: Parisian Dreams (NC-17, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer/Mardy Fish/Mirka Vavrinec) [Jul. 7th, 2005|03:21 pm]

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Title: Parisian Dreams (epilogue)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Mardy/Mirka, Mardy/Mirka/Andy/Roger
Summary: Mardy and Mirka are pulling the strings while Roger and Andy are just trying to understand why they’re wandering, seemingly aimlessly, through the streets of Paris... and they’re not above a bit of manipulating of their own to try and get an explanation.
Notes: Sequel to Ficlet N, set in December 2004. Because this really needed an epilogue.

Parisian Dreams Epilogue )
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Multi-part: Parisian Dreams (NC-17, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer/Mardy Fish/Mirka Vavrinec) [Jul. 6th, 2005|02:49 pm]

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Title: Parisian Dreams (4/4)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Andy/Mirka, Roger/Mardy, Mardy/Andy, Mardy/Mirka/Andy/Roger
Summary: Mardy and Mirka are pulling the strings while Roger and Andy are just trying to understand why they’re wandering, seemingly aimlessly, through the streets of Paris... and they’re not above a bit of manipulating of their own to try and get an explanation.
Notes: Sequel to Ficlet N, set in December 2004.

Part One.
Part Two.
Part Three.

Part Four )
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Multi-part: Parisian Dreams (NC-17, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer/Mardy Fish/Mirka Vavrinec) [Jul. 5th, 2005|02:32 pm]

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Title: Parisian Dreams (3/4)
Rating: (this part) PG-13
Pairing: Strong hints of Andy/Mardy and Roger/Mirka, Mardy/Roger, implied Andy/Roger.
Summary: Mardy and Mirka are pulling the strings while Roger and Andy are just trying to understand why they’re wandering, seemingly aimlessly, through the streets of Paris... and they’re not above a bit of manipulating of their own to try and get an explanation.
Notes: Sequel to Ficlet N, set in December 2004. Title from Charles Baudelaire's Parisian Dream.

Part One.
Part Two.

Parisian Dreams - Part Three )
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Multi-part: Parisian Dreams (NC-17, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer/Mardy Fish/Mirka Vavrinec) [Jul. 4th, 2005|02:14 pm]

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Title: Parisian Dreams (2/4)
Rating: (this part) PG-13
Pairing: Strong hints of Andy/Mardy and Roger/Mirka, implied Andy/Roger.
Summary: Mardy and Mirka are pulling the strings while Roger and Andy are just trying to understand why they’re wandering, seemingly aimlessly, through the streets of Paris... and they’re not above a bit of manipulating of their own to try and get an explanation.
Notes: Sequel to Ficlet N, set in December 2004. Part one is here. And yes, the French will be all wrong. Just accept it and move on. :)

Part One

Parisian Dreams - Part Two )
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Multi-part: Parisian Dreams (NC-17, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer/Mardy Fish/Mirka Vavrinec) [Jul. 3rd, 2005|02:03 pm]

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Title: Parisian Dreams
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: this part) Roddick/Federer, hints of Andy/Mardy and Roger/Mirka
Summary: Mardy and Mirka are pulling the strings while Roger and Andy are just trying to understand why they’re wandering, seemingly aimlessly, through the streets of Paris.
Notes: Sequel to Ficlet N. Set in December 2004. Opening/closing quotes and title from Charles Baudelaire’s poem Parisian Dream.

Parisian Dreams - Part One )
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Drabbles/Ficlets: Touch (Five Senses) (NC-17, Andy Roddick/Mardy Fish/Roger Federer/Mirka Vavrinec) [May. 18th, 2005|11:49 am]

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[feeling |sleepy]

Title: Five Senses ([1] Touch)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Roddick/Federer/Vavrinec/Fish
Summary: Andy can never work out who’s touching him.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Nope.
Notes: Inspired by the Magnum Five Senses ad which can be watched here: Fairly unashamed smut, because what do you expected from ‘Touch’?

Five Senses - Touch )
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