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Back July 1st, 2007 Forward
New addition!

Hello all~

I want to introduce you to a new guy that I brought home yesterday.

Hes a dark standard male and I've aged him to 3 months, though I may be wrong. Anyways, let me introduce, Nori.

Nori pictures )

Hes been really good so far :) Hes eating the Mazuri I've given him (he was most likely fed crappy kaytee pellets, but I didn't have any left over from when I couldn't find Mazuri untill petsmart opened up in town.) and eating alot of hay, when I first god him home his poos were kind of hard and crumbly and tiny, now their normal sized poos, just a little soft, but its alot better then what they were. His fur is getting nicer and nicer with each dust bath (gave him two last night, one was really short, only a few rolls before he went into his hidey home and slept and the second was long and thats where the pictures are from) and he doesn't look as greasey as he did, petco was probaly giving their chins super pet bath sand (sand... not dust) to bath in :/

Hes only cried out once at night as far as I know, which is alot less then what my 10 month old chinchilla did when I seperated him from his mother ^^;

1 day down, 29 more to go before I can start introducing him to Mochi :)!

location: desk
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Fans going on and Nori munching on Pelletes
Back July 1st, 2007 Forward