When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone~

(no subject) @ 09:54 am

As everybody here’s obviously in a deep magic sleep, I’m trying to bring a bit activity back to this community. ;-)
Well, but seriously, I’m rather new to this fandom and am desperately looking for like-minded people, who share the love with me. :-)

Your name: Cat
Favorite character(s)? Peter, Aslan and Edmund
Favorite book? Just read the first four books so far and out of these I liked "The Magician's nephew" and "Prince Caspian" best.
Favorite anything else? Erm... dunno?...
When did you first read these books? Well, started to read "The Chronicles" just a month ago...

If you like come over to [info]friend_me and join the "The Chronicles of Narnia" friending meme. ^_^