Dec. 11th, 2007


Mod Post-- [info]bsg_fic Up For Grabs


As must be obvious at this juncture, I am unable to continue the maintenance of this asylum. I do not, however, want it to be sent out the nearest airlock, so I humbly offer it to any interested party/parties.

Please comment here if you are interested in maintaining/co-maintaining this com. I will make the necessary changes.

Thank you,


Aug. 19th, 2007


Mod Post: To challenge, or not to challenge?

Okay, I really want this community to have a super-awesome header and/or layout that is thematically based around the important players in the BSG world. Not only am I crap at graphics, but I also have no idea how to implement any kind of personalized layout into IJ's pre-made ones.

My point? Well, I've got two:

Point the first: What do you all think about a graphics challenge? I could bend the 'fic only, damnit' rule a bit so that the graphically-inclined amongst us could work some magic, post said magic, and then y'all could vote on a winner and we could get to making this community aesthetically pleasing? Yes? No? We don't give a frak, do what you want?

Point the second: After said graphics have been voted on, I will need someone to teach me how to add it to the current layout (or another one, if necessary). I have not the smarts to do it myself, but I bet one of you lovely people could show me how! Volunteers?

Please post all submissions behind a cut, and comment on this post if you'd like to be involved in participating, judging and/or layout tutorial type things.

Thank you!

Aug. 5th, 2007


Mod post: New Tagging System

All right, my fellow BSG enthusiasts, we have a new tagging system and I am humbly requesting (demanding) that everyone use it.

When posting fic, please enter these tags: username, main characters, rating.

In time I will probably add pairing tags to that list, fyi.

I ask that everyone utilize these tags when posting. This system will not only help me in the realms of organization, but you as well, as you will be able to quickly and efficiently find specific types of fic to read.

Also, as you will undoubtedly notice, I have changed the layout of this asylum to a more tag-friendly one. A complete list of tags is now located on the left side of your screen.

Another thing I would request is that everyone be very careful to adhere to the subject line and header (all that stuff that goes above the lj-cut) layouts because I will be adding ALL fic to this communities memories, and, well, that just makes it not so much of a pain in the ass.

Thank you. Now post fic! *cracks whip*

ETA: Tags have been edited to reflect category. Thanks to [info]trialia for the idea!

Aug. 1st, 2007


Welcome to Fic From The Bucket

Welcome to Fic From The Bucket- a Battlestar Galactica fanfiction asylum. If you're here to post fic, please take a look at the GUIDELINES first.

After you've done that, please feel free to post any genre fic your heart desires, with any rating, as long as it's specified.

Enjoy the site! Post fic!