Bonking Tonks
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March 2008
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The Rules!

Rules & Regulations:

Welcome to [info]bonking_tonks, the Tonks/Anyone But Remus fic and art FQF community. The way this community works is very simple – we post a set number of prompts and anyone interested in contributing to them will pick which ones they're interested in and which character(s) they will be pairing Tonks with. Each prompt can be picked twice for art, twice for fic as long as there is a different pairing chosen.

  1. All authors must be 18 years old or older as of September 1, 2007. No exceptions. And we expect either an age statement in your signup post OR a birth date listed in your LJ or IJ user info.

  2. All prompts will be provided by the mods. You'll be picking the claims you want to write/draw for yourself rather than a recipient so have fun with it!

  3. Each prompt can be picked twice for fic, twice for art. However, there will be two unique pairings for each type to give us a diversity of Tonks-centric fic and art. You must give us THREE CHOICES for each prompt picking round and prompts will be handed out first come, first serve.

  4. You do not need an IJ account to participate. However, if you don’t have one, you will have to make arrangements with the mods to post your fic/art for you. You can sign up in comments as anonymous posters but you must include an Live Journal account name/info for us to contact you.

  5. All fics and artwork must be rated PG up to an NC-17 with the focus on Tonks and at least one other canon Harry Potter character. Anything else will not be put through the moderation queue. It can be het, femmeslash, boyslash, multiple partners. Stories and art can be dramatic, humorous, angsty, a/u, darkfic, whatever you'd like as long as the focus is on Our Miss Nymphadora. However, pairings with crossover or original characters are not allowed.

  6. There will be no Tonks-bashing OR no Remus-bashing in the stories/art. The point of this comm is to celebrate Tonks in all her myriad forms and give her a bit more fun than JKR ever did, not as a place to work out your personal issues about her, Remus or Remus/Tonks and/or to justify your belief that Remus belongs with somebody else. However, mentions of Remus/Tonks are perfectly fine as long as that's not the sole focus of your piece. Anything that doesn't meet this criteria will not be posted.

  7. Trolling is not appreciated and anyone who causes trouble will be banned. If that's your thing, please go elsewhere. There are plenty of comms where you can bash and bitch to your heart's content. We intend this to be a wank-free zone.

  8. All fics must be at least 1000 words. While there is no official cap on story length, please try to keep them within approximately 10-12,000 words tops. Test it in your own journal to make sure it all fits before submitting. If you really think it’s going to be longer than one IJ post and there’s no way to hold back, you must contact the mods and let us know.

  9. Beta-readers and spellcheckers are your friends. Please make sure your fic is spellchecked, beta read, and coded properly before you post (or before you send it to us, if you do not have an IJ account). If English is not your first language, please make sure your story is beta’d by someone who is fluent in English before you send it to us. Art should be checked too.

  10. Fiction must be exactly that – fiction in a story form. Please do not submit haikus, poetry, song lyrics, or interpretive dances as a submission. Art is self-explanatory (we hope). Art/stories in comic form are more than welcome.

Posting will start on January 8, 2008 and will be by the participants themselves so hopefully it'll go through the entire month. The comm will be on moderate so that we can post things in an orderly fashion. Please use the following header:

To sign up for the community, please comment using this form:

We will try to give everyone their first choices. However it will be first come, first serve in terms of prompts and pairings which is why we're asking for three choices. You can also list the same prompt with an alternate pairing as a second choice in order to claim it.

All claims will be screened and we will cross out prompts as they get taken. After the first round has closed, we will reopen with the remaining prompts to allow for a second round for anyone who wants a second claim.

Signups will be from September 12 - September 19 2007. Round Two will start on September 24, 2007.

  • Participants will receive confirmation of their prompts by September 22, 2007.
    If for some reason you don't hear from us by then, let us know immediately!

  • Finished works can be posted as of January 8, 2008.

  • Fics and art will be posted from then on until we run out of submissions.

  • If you need to drop out, please let us know as soon as possible so we can open up the prompt again.

  • Feel free to contact us at at, any time if you have any questions.

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