Bonking Tonks
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Back March 19th, 2008 Forward
Summer Born [userpic]
Fic: Different Strings (Snape/Tonks, PG-13)

Title: Different Strings
Author: [info]summerborn
Pairing: Snape/Tonks
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Characters were originally created by JKR.
Prompt: #45 - "You're only seventeen, but you think you've grown in the month you've been away from your parents' home"
Summary: Tonks learns the hard way that not all relationships are the kind you hear about in fairy tales.

Author's notes: Thanks to C & M for beta help, and to Rush for the title inspiration. Also I have a ton of warm fuzzies for the [info]bonking_tonks mods - thanks for letting me play! 1360 words.

Different Strings )

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