Bonking Tonks
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Back January 17th, 2008 Forward
FIC: Pretending That Isn't (Harry/Tonks) NC-17

Title: Pretending That Isn’t
Author/Artist: Ivy Riddle
Rating: NC-17
Prompt (the full prompt): “When I needed sunshine, I got rain.”
Pairing(s): Mainly Harry/Tonks, mentions of Sirius/Tonks and Remus/Tonks
Word Count: Around 1,500
Warnings (if any): Mentions of incest and sex with a minor.
Author/Artist's notes: None, really.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Pretending That Isn’t )

Modly business

Just a quick note to our participants --

We didn't think to put this in the rules because we hadn't expected anyone not to do it but...

We love that you're crossposting your stuff elsewhere and please feel free to do it but could you please use fake LJ cuts to bring people to this comm to read/see them? We definitely can use the traffic and it would be great promotion for everyone involved. There will be more fic and art coming and we don't want anyone to be overlooked. We've noticed a few things being picked up by the HP online newsletters and it's really disheartening when they go to your personal journals rather than the comm.


Back January 17th, 2008 Forward