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Back December 11th, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
A Study in Noise and Motion (Deck The Skull... 11)

Title: A Study in Noise and Motion (Deck The Skull... 11)
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Prompt: Silent Night
Word Count:100
Notes: Late drabble today as I managed to sleep wrong and pinched a nerve in my neck and being on my computer is hell.

The hotel accommodations that Mycroft had put him in, were lovely. The room was nice. It was neat and uncluttered and utterly too quiet.

The peace and quiet should be nice but the lack of sounds made John feel lonely.

Sherlock was noise. He was violin music in the middle of the night, a loud burst of noise and words at 3 am, the sound of fire alarms at 6 am. He was a constant study in noise and motion.

Less than a day out of the three without him, and John already missed him. He wanted to go home.

Current Mood: sore
Back December 11th, 2011 Forward