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Back August 10th, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
All The Best Stories Start Once Upon a Time

Title: All The Best Stories Start Once Upon a Time
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Word Count: 200
Notes: Unbetaed. Written for prompt 16-story time. 

(Takes place in a magical AU verse! I'm thinking about writing a longer version of this idea anyone interested?)

“Mummy tell me a story?” six year old Sherlock asked,

Aribeth Holmes smiled at her youngest son as she settled them on the bed.

“Once upon a time,” she began, “there was a very brave detective, who was a good man even though almost everyone else doubted that he was. The detective was lonely but  acted as though he did not need friends.

One day when he working in a laboratory on a chemistry experiment the brave detective met a soldier that was even braver than he.

The detective knew at once that the brave soldier who was also a hero, was his imprint, the perfect match for his soul that he'd been looking for all...

A snore interrupted her efforts. Her son, who'd been up for two days straight, had finally fallen asleep.

She hoped that he'd heard enough, it was only in stories that she could give him, hints and guidance towards his future.

She'd seen his possible futures, she preferred the ones where he had John Watson by his side. After all when a brave detective and a soldier who was a healer, work together what chance did the darkness of the world have?

Current Mood: accomplished
Back August 10th, 2011 Forward