The Best Deadly Sin [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

A human interest story [May. 15th, 2012|01:49 am]

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Having been pointed this direction by one of the Eds, Jade and Double H make their way to the Sin, which is still quiet in restaurant hours.

"Doesn't seem very lively, does it?" Jade commented.

"It's still early in the day," Double H reminded her. "I'm sure as the evening comes, it will pick up. This is perfect for a chance to interview this Mister Greed. He'll be busier as more customers come in. We can get our pictures then."

"Come on, let's see if we can find this Greed."

They were stopped at the door, forced to turn over their weapons. Both looked at each other worriedly about that, but Jade could easily substitute any staff and while he wouldn't have his hammer, Double H was not without his energy shield his armor generated, so he was not helpless. If nothing else, they could play sword and shield. They were coordinated enough for it.

They looked around for the nearest employee. "Excuse me," Jade asked at the bar. "Where can I find the owner?"
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