Saturday, March 30th, 2013

Who: Kenzie, K'rin
When: Two weeks after K'rin's demotion
Where: K'rin's weyr
Summary: Kenzie and K'rin have a nice over-due talk

Valoth, duty finished, curled back into the dragoncouch and shifted until he was satisfied with his position. He ducked his head to the side, rested his jaw on a higher potion of rock, and closed his eyes. This silliness was for humans, he had no interest in the conversation now that they were out of the water. )
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Who: Imogen, Kenzie, T'lus, K'rin, R'ger
When: Two weeks after K'rin's demotion
Where: Candidate barracks, Kenzie's quarters, Werybowl, K'rin's weyr
Summary: A green rises, Shielth chases. Imogen finally snaps under the stress of the teasing and has a bit of an anxiety attack over her relationship with R'ger. Kenzie is basically the best BFF ever.

Because who doesn't love silly drunk girls? )

Kenzie and K'rin continued
Imogen and R'ger continued
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Sunday, March 17th, 2013

Who: Kenzie, K'rin; then Kenzie & F'lox
When: The evening after K'rin's off-camera demotion.
Where: The Weyrbowl/K'rin's weyr. Then Fen's weyr.
Summary: Kenzie and K'rin are supposed to have a date. That... doesn't work out. THIS IS ALL LYRRA'S FAULT. (To be fair, she feels really bad.) Then Kenzie goes to find her brother and find out what the shells happened.

What do you mean no?! )
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Friday, March 15th, 2013

Who: Lyrra, F'lox, briefly K'rin
When: about three days post-Threadfall
Where: Weyrling Barracks
Summary: Lyrra takes a little revenge on the bronze weyrling who got her and Phinth hurt. This is not a good thing.

Phinth is the responsible one. We should worry. )
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How was your day, dear?

Who: K'rin, Kenzie
When: Evening after bad Fall/meeting with Weyrleader and Weyrwoman
Where: K'rin and Valoth's weyr
Summary: K'rin returns home to wash away the stresses of Threadfall and post-Fall meeting. Kenzie arrives to help put the day to rest.

K’rin was still in his bathing chamber scrubbing the sweat and stench from his skin when he heard Kenzie’s voice call his name from the large hallway between ledge and dragon couch. He wiped water from his eyes and blinked blearily at the far wall. )
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