Beatles Slash Fiction

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April 6th, 2008

08:01 pm - Official Welcome
I'd like to officially welcome you to the Beatles Slash community on IJ. I'm a member, though not the owner, of the Beatles slash com over on livejournal and I thought I might start one here in case there is an interest.

I should warn you now, if you don't know, what this asylum will contain: slash fiction is the term used to describe stories where two people have an intimate relationship of a homosexual nature. In this case these fanfiction will usually contain men who also happen to be real people, or, at least, how we imagine them. Now this doesn't mean that I think any of the Beatles were really gay, I just happen to be interested in the what if aspect. I can't explain mine or anyone else's fascination with this type of writing any more than I can explain just what it is that makes the Beatles and their music stick in the imagination after forty years.

So, if you are offended  by any of this (fanfiction, slash or real person fiction of the Beatles), my advice is please don't stick around here. Thank you.

For those of you who would like to join this community, please feel free to do so. A few rules with appear on the info page within the next few days.

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April 5th, 2008

04:31 pm - Test Post
This is the test post for me to compare different layouts. For anyone stumbling upon this journal/asylum who is interested, there are a couple of pictures and links.

test cut )

Beatles slash on livejournal
[info]beatlesslash on insanejournal (here)

Hari/Macca on livejournal
[info]hari_macca on insanejournal

johnheartpaul (LennonMcCartney)
appleandmantras (StarkeyHarrison)
beautiful_nite (Paul/Ringo)

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