New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NEW AVALON! [06 Apr 2015|08:41am]
A year ago today, New Avalon opened its proverbial doors! Time flies, right? We're proud to have gone this long, and we're looking forward to another year with you lovely people.

Speaking of lovely people, Activity (Not!-)Check is still up (and will be until midnight EST tomorrow), and it's still missing a couple of people! We're waiving activity requirements for March as kind of a pre-anniversary present, but we do need everyone to give us a head's up so we know you're still with us. I think Thirteen and Annie are the ones we're missing, and we'd like not to be! :D

Kait & Jo

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