New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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activity check, march 2015. [01 Apr 2015|12:47am]
It's time again for Activity Check! However, because April is our one-year anniversary, we're actually going to waive activity for the month of March. The April plot calendar may be a touch late for RL reasons, but we're going to have at least one big event this month, so we're not too worried about you guys not having stuff to do in April.

So comment below with your characters and any drops or notes you want to give us. You still have to tag in, even though we're not asking you for activity. When there's no required activity, we still need you to confirm that you're still into the game.

Activity Not-Check will run from Wednesday, April 1st to Tuesday, April 7th, ending at midnight EST. There's no template because the requirements we're asking for today are "make a list".

Kait & Jo

[01 Apr 2015|06:42pm]
Hi hi!

It's Bear here with my 9th character, Amani Munroe. She's the daughter of Storm and Black Panther, former princess, current Wakandan ambassador.

Her parents shared custody of her, raising her in both Wakanda and the States, so she probably knows most of the other X-kids - especially those whose parents were close to Storm and/or worked at the Jean Grey School. Storm was also an Avenger, so she'd know those kids fairly well, in addition to all the science peeps. She also went to school at NAA with Owen and Marvel and she went to college in New York, so she's been around off and on for most of her life. For the last ten years or so she's been more scarce, serving all around the world for her nation's interests.

Amani makes a special effort to promote mutant and metahumans from her public position, and she's been instrumental in spreading Wakandan tech, so she's continued to foster good relationships with the major science dynasties (Stark, Richards, Worthington, etc.). She's friendly and charming on a personal level, though her public persona is a lot more reserved and judicious. She's more reserved and poised than a lot of people might remember if they haven't seen her for a while, but she'll warm up as she gets to relax in her new digs. She's rented a home in New Avalon and is looking forward to rekindling old friendships and making new ones!

Gimme gimme gimme :D

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