New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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New Characters [12 Jan 2015|09:31pm]
New Characters:
Titus Thorson [info]recklessnbrave (Callie)
Johanna Thorson [info]not_trivial (Roz)

[12 Jan 2015|09:42pm]
Okay, guys, this is Roz and I bring to you this magnificent creature.

 photo tumblr_ngfjmcb6bs1qlvsbto2_500.gif

Just keep reading )

[12 Jan 2015|11:02pm]
DAMN IT. These people always stealing my glory! I'm leaving. *sobs and runs off*

Now that that drama is out of my system, here we go! I, Callie, bring you this LOVELY LOVELY young man. ANOTHER TOKEN STRAIGHT GUY FOR CAL. <3

Titus Thorson | Son of Thor | Independent Hero

|| )

Please to be giving this gorgeous thing all of your lines, love, and whatever else you have. Thank you <3

[ viewing | January 12th, 2015 ]
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