Slashing Stargate Atlantis
.::: .::... .:::::. .: ::: ..:::: .:..
telesilla [userpic]
FIC: Take a While To Shed My Grief (John/Rodney, NC-17)

Take a While To Shed My Grief
Author: [info]telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: SGA, John/Rodney
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The SGA characters do not belong to me. Duh.
Summary: It's always dark when John comes into Rodney's room.

Notes: I'm posting this as part of the repost to IJ meme.

One of the first three SGA ficlets I ever wrote, this takes place some time during year six of the expedition. It was written for the first porn battle I participated in, using the prompts "quiet" and "the dark." The title is from the Portishead song "Wandering Star." After the porn battle, I sat and stared at this for a long time, trying to decide if I should expand it, but in the end, I realized that it's complete in my mind and any attempt to write more would feel forced.

John never says anything...