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Site issues

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Site issues

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We are very sorry for the current issues that are cropping up each night. The issue is we are getting overwhelmed with spam posts and don't have the funds to add the hardware needed to deal with it. We are doing what we can but it is a very difficult situation.

Please bear with us.
  • Re: I second the few bucks for a code idea.

    It wouldn't even need to be that high--any payment at all would stop the spammers from making new accounts, in general.
    • Re: I second the few bucks for a code idea.

      But if Squeaky goes with PayPal, which is what I'm assuming will be the case, isn't there a tipping point around the $5 which would actually make the amount worth the while? Doesn't PayPal take out a certain percentage or amount on Squeaky's end, for their use and expenses? I have no idea how much they take out anymore, nor have I used other systems to know how they work.

      I wouldn't charge any more than $5. However, it needs to be an amount that Squeaky isn't losing money.

      • Re: I second the few bucks for a code idea.

        Yes, the fee is $.30 + 2.9%. So, if the codes were $1, he would end up with around $.67 per transaction after the fees. That doesn't mean they should be only a dollar, because there's other costs to consider, like his time, or the chance of people trying to do a chargeback, or maybe using them to generate revenue for servers--but he wouldn't lose money to PayPal fees if the codes were $1.
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