InsaneJournal Announcements

InsaneJournal Summer Sale Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

InsaneJournal Summer Sale Update

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Thank you all so much for supporting InsaneJournal, I hope you have found value in our summer sale. We will continue the sale through Sunday July 7th.
  • i wanted to also say we need this. i help moderate [info]tradingspaces and since July 21st almost 20 user names were reported hacked to me, but i'm certain there's more. it's just taking time for people to realize their accounts were broken into. this is a security issue that needs to be addressed considering this isn't the first time it's happened. please limit the amount of failed login attempts or else someone can keep trying to guess a password 92870712098039280938 times and continue to keep going until they're inside. it'd also be great if you made it so new accounts were forced to create passwords with at least six letters, a capital, and numbers. thank you for listening
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