InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

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Hey everyone, I haven't given an update to the state of the site in quite some time.

Based on feedback we have decided against moving our content to a Cloud Provider at this time. We are going to continue to maintain our own physical servers in a leased rack in a datacenter for the foreseeable future.

We will be looking to have a fundraiser to replace our existing and aging hardware at some point in the fall, with hopes of getting new servers by the new year.

Really not much else to announce, I look forward to your comments and will answer any site related questions in them.
  • <3
  • Thanks so much for listening to the users' concerns and taking that into consideration when making a decision. ♥
  • Thanks! <3
  • for as much money as people make trading/selling unused usernames, if you purged unused journals more often based on how long since they've been updated per se, you'd have an abundance of money from renames.
    • seconding this, especially purging asylums without maintainers.
      • yes especially if the maintainers are deleted as well
      • I personally would hate to see that. There's often quite a bit of content on an asylum even when it's no longer being updated. I can think of a fest that ran on LJ that the owner deleted when she deleted her own journal which made many of us quite sad.
        • that's not currently the case though. many of these asylums are empty and no members can even access the asylums content
    • This is something we always look into. However we are very careful to not remove any content that is still accessible. We are looking into a way to identify asylums that either have no content or have content that is no longer accessible to any active users.

      We think that the history of the content here is more important than generating $5 rename tokens, however we also want to free up names that are tied up that nobody can use.
      • will you be using a similar method for unused journals? say, for example, ones created > 104 weeks ago with no entries?
  • Thanks for keeping us up to date!
  • stares at bank account
  • A summer sale on paid accounts would be amazing if it were to happen.
    • This is something I could get behind, we haven't had a good sale in awhile!
  • There should be a way to alert you/your team to 'asylum' usernames that are abandoned/have no owners listed, etc. so that the name can be purged and someone can use it in the future.

    Also, [info]tessisamess has made a chrome extension that alters the look of IJ to make it look a little nicer/modern. I think if you enlisted her to help make some actual changes to the structure/look of Insanejournal, you would receive an abundance of donations.

    Also, sell perm accounts more often.
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