Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Thursday, June 7th, 2012

    Time Event
    Who: Tracey Davis and Kaitlin Song
    What: A walk by the lake.
    When: Tuesday September 10th. 5pm
    Where: The lake's shore

    Tracey had no idea why she had offered to come down to the lake to meet Kaitlin. She had no idea why she hadn't backed out when the Ravenclaw tried to make it seem like it hadn't been her suggestion. Ultimately, she wondered why she had bothered to go through with it. But, there she was, standing by the lake, watching the tiny waves lap at the short and pondering how she had gotten herself into the mess she had.

    She stood by the lake in one of her Muggle outfits; a Beatles t-shirt, leather jacket, trainers and skinny jeans. The make up around her eyes was dark and that was the only make up she'd chosen to wear. She'd agonized over what to wear. Should she had stayed in her uniform? A robe that was more proper? Though she hadn't been sure, Tracey eventually decided on her normal, slightly scandalous, mode of dress.

    Waiting, she wondered if Kaitlin would actually show up or not. Part of her hoped she wouldn't. It would be way safer for Tracey that way. Though, she couldn't deny that she would be a little disappointed if that were the case.

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