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Thursday, January 21st, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Lavender Brown and Fleur
    What: Lavender can't seem to get anything going!
    When: January 21st, Saturday 1997. 6:45pm
    Where: Gryffindor Common Room
    Rating: NC-17

    Lavender sat in front of the fire sulking. She was melodramatically considering walking up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower so she could fling herself from it. What was wrong with her? She'd been trying to find a decent shag for weeks and had failed miserably.

    It wasn't that she threw herself at everyone, far from it, but she couldn't believe that the ones she'd selected hadn't panned out…at all!

    There was that incident with Heidi. That had been terribly embarrassing and awkward. It made her feel better that Heidi seemed genuinely tempted but Lavender would have felt better actually shagging her!

    Then there was Megan and Claire. That would have been so fun! Lavender was terribly disappointed. She even offered to shag Megan alone but it seemed that Megan was arse over tea kettle for…someone else. She'd made excuses but that seemed to be it.

    She should have pressed it for. Megan had almost caved more than once. Lavender knew she wouldn't have been able to pressure her though; she just wasn't like that.

    Lavender sighed and blew a lock of hair from her eyes. She'd complained to her best friend for hours and hours until Parvati had pretty much tuned her out. There really wasn't anyone else she could talk to.

    She was tempted by the idea of Katie Bell; Gryffindor Seeker, really hot in an athletic way and totally dominant from what she had heard. But, Ginny and Katie were involved and Ginny was acting really jealous lately. That wasn't going to work…

    Ginny… Blah! She was such a slag, Lavender just couldn't bring herself to shag Ginny Weasley.

    Staring at the fire, Lavender crossed her arms and continued to sulk.

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