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Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

    Time Event
    Who: Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray (from Glee)
    What: Polar opposites clash, or do they?
    When: around 5 PM
    Where: Auditorium
    Rating: NC17

    Quinn was waiting for Santana to get off the phone with her vapid sister and tell her if she was going to need a ride home. She sat, swinging her strong legs impatiently as the dark beauty prattled on. Feeling a little more than testy these days, she snatched her bag off the locker room bench and began to rummage through it, looking for a bottle of water. It had been more than a long day, Quinn was exhausted. Cheerio practice before AND after school today. She had been there nearly twelve hours. Miss Sylvester had been drilling them a lot harder lately than normal, she was so riled up about the Glee club she was more vicious than normal, and Quinn had enough on her mind without the drama her teachers could cause.

    Realizing she had left her Algebra II book in the auditorium, she cast a sideways glance at her friend, Santana probably wouldn’t even know she was gone. Getting to her aching feet, she crossed the room and pushed the door open to the locker room and began to wander down the halls of William McKinley alone. It was quiet and dark and it made Quinn feel more alone than she already did today. She hadn’t been feeling well the last few days. Part of her thought it was the guilt of what she had done with Puck, she couldn’t believe that she had risked her relationship with Finn because she felt fat and Puck just happened to be there.

    Her feet padded down the hall until she reached the auditorium, pushing the door open a little harder than she should have. It banged against the back wall with a loud crack.

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